Monday, 30 January 2017

January 23rd-29th (Scotland)

I went to Scotland,staying at the lake Tummel Hotel with members of SBBO.The week long holiday was very enjoyable and well organised.With most of the bird specialities being seen.Weather wise it was relatively mild compared to the harsh weather down south.

Loch Garten

Loch Tummel Hotel (Pine Martins frequent the area and one was filmed visiting a peanut feeder on two of the nights we stayed there.
Hooded Crow and White-bellied Brents (Naine) Long-tailed Ducks also frequent the coast at Naine in good numbers.Unfortunately it was a windless day on our visit and the duck were way off.

Unfortunately due to the lack of snow.We were restricted to the restaurant viewing area.(mountain Hare,Snow Buntings (6 in all) and Ptarmigan (5 in all)(Cairngorms)
.Whooper Swans,Goosander,Pink-footed Goose and Goldeneye (Loch Leven)

Thursday, 19 January 2017

January 19th (Dungeness)

Iceland Gull,one on two seen today.
Chiffchaff,Ringed billed Duck,Slavonian Grebe,9 GW Egrets and White-fronted Geese RSPB reserve.The latter a skein of 60+ flew over Burrows pit (photographed through the window of the centre.
Bean Goose 1 and Pink-footed geese 3,Scotney pits

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

January 3rd (Garden)

Blackcap (female) feeding in the garden on Ivy berries (first this winter)