Thursday 11 July 2024

Monday 8 July 2024

July 8th (New Hythe)

 I caught my first juvenile Nightingale in the East scrub this morning,along with a Cetti`s.

Usually by this time I have caught at least six Nigal (poor breeding success?).

7th Glenn found a juvenile FIRECREST in the small wood alongside the East scrub A GREAT FIND WELL DONE.Sits well with the adult that was seen earlier in the mushroom wood.

Also on the 7th,two Common Sandpipers and one L R Plover were seen from Bucket wood and a third Common Sand was seen at the Road island lake.

1st,three Reds Kites over the Downs from Bucket wood and a juvenile Little egret along the river.


Friday 21 June 2024

June 21st and 23rd (New Hythe)

We are now into the quite time of the year at New Hythe bird wise and our attention is now drawn  more towards dragonflies and butterflies.Having said that the next few months will be a busy one for the ringers,with all the new young of the year on the wing.

During the week Terry had four Med Gulls pass through,along with a Cuckoo,Dragonflies included 3 Lesser Emperor and 2 Norfolk Hawker and butterflies included 2 Ringlets.

In the East scrub 20 or more Bee orchid were found.

PHOTOS Firecrest  Bee orchid  Reed Warbler (adult and young)  Blackcap.

During the morning of the 23rd,Jerry heard a singing FIRECREST in the wood near to the rangers office (first summer record for New Hythe).Being close by I manage to see it along with Terry.We all then went to try and see a GOLDEN RINGED DRAGONFLY that had been seen the day before along Lunsford stream but were unsuccessful.



Thursday 6 June 2024

June 6th (New Hythe)

Photos Chiffchaff (East scrub) TAWNY OWL young (Abbey Meads) and young Great Tit (my garden).

We have 31-32 singing Nightingales in the Park and at least 11 in the Brookland lake/Abbey Meads area.

A Cuckoo was heard briefly in the Park on the 5th,with another calling near the river on the 6th. 

During the evening of May 26th,Glenn saw four Hobbies over the West scrub.

AZK9828 Blackcap 3jM ringed (West scrub) 11 09 2023 time (08:00) wing 77mm w.t 17.8g

controlled 25 05 2024 Swancombe marshes,Kent 5M time 05:00 wing 77mm w.t 15.3g 257 days NNW.