Birds of the New Hythe,Leybourne,Eccles/Burham and Holborough area.It covers the period from the early 1960s,up until the present time.Alan Woodcock. 

Decline in farmland birds  - Pesticides,I first noticed these being used in the early 1960s.Whilst I was walking along a path through orchards at East Malling.First a Song Thrush and then a Blackbird fell out of a tree onto the ground,both had their beaks open gasping.

Loss of mixed farming    changes in crops grown   the list goes on.

From a local point of view for me,the most obvious declines occurred during the 1990s' 

Turtle Dove Holborough marsh  5 pairs 1997 -  2001 1 pair -  2023 just one bird seen at New Hythe,which only stayed for a few days.Spring 1984 150 feeding feeding on grain around the cattle feeding stations on Burham marsh.

These cattle feeing station were in use at both Burham marsh.Holborough marsh and New Hythe.With the demise of these,it certainly helped to hasten  the decline in a number of species that fed on the grain  during the winter and spring.

Linnet   Holborough marsh  1995 10 pairs  2000 1 pair 2001 gone.

Yellowhammer  Holborough marsh 1995  5 pairs 1998 1 pair  2000 gone.     

Corn Bunting  last few birds recorded breeding,mid 1990s.

Tree Sparrow.  Mid 1990s,hard to find.Winter flock of 100 at New Hythe 1985.

MUTE SWAN Cygus olor
Breeding species,present all year.During 1976,two nests were found at Leybourne,with a further six at New Hythe.Covering the same area in 1993,the BTO Mute swan survey found five nests,with a non breeding flock of thirty birds.The breeding population has probably always been under ten pairs.Because of its tidal nature nesting sites along the banks of the Medway are very limited.However during 1978,a nest was built at Horse Shoe Bend,but with unknown success as to the outcome.During the summer of 1987,a pair raised young on the dyke behind the river wall at Burham marsh,During the first half of the 1990s,the non breeding flock reached a maximum of 124 birds in the area of Eccles island Creek.Wintering numbers were also high there at that time,with up to 100 being present.However by the end of the decade and up to the present time,numbers have been much reduced.White `Polish` juveniles were seen at Leybourne in 1979 (1) and at New Hythe in 2000 (2).
New Hythe
2024  Five nests with young in the New Hythe area.
2017  J      F    M       A     M     J     J     A     S     O     N     D
         11    7     16      16    25    15   8    11    19   22    24    23    

WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus
Rare visitor
One adult was seen flying down the Medway at Holborough on Jan 20th,1963.Two adults were present on Johnsons lake from Dec 19th-24th 1968.One adult that was present in the lakes complex from 2009 into 2011,was thought to have been a feral bird from Leeds Castle.One was present on Abbey Meads from November 5th-9th 2016 and another flew over the lake on the 8th,heading N (both birds were adults).
A confiding individual stayed around for a while at New Hythe during October 2018.

BEWICK`S SWAN Cygnus columbianus
Rare visitor.
All the records relate to New Hythe.Three were present on Dec 21st 1968,with two during Dec 1972,which stayed into Fed 1993.During 1979,five flew over on Jan 2nd and on Dec 19th,29 flew NE.Singles there on March 26th 1980,Nov 18th 1985 and from Jan 14th-18th 1987.On March 16th 1986,eleven adults and three imm were present on Abbey Meads.Five were seen on Jan 20th 1987 and on March 15th 1992,six went down on Abbey Meads during a rain storm and left a short while later NE.

BEAN GOOSE Anser fabalis
Two were seen just outside the recording area on Wouldam marshes on Dec 5th 1993 and on April 9th 1994,one was seen with Greylags on Burham marsh.

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE Anser brachyrhynchus
Two at New Hythe on March 17th 1974.

Uncommon passage migrant.
Most of the records refer to birds passing over the area either S or SW.Eighty on Jan 5th 1967,(5) on Jan 22nd 1970,a small flock at the beginning of 1976,(100) on Dec 31st 1978,(30) on Jan 20th 1979,(11) on Feb 8th and (14) on Feb 17th 1985,(60) on Dec 21st 2010 and 3 on December 17th 2016..Birds that were seen on the ground are as follows - One in the Burham/New Hythe area from April 14th-16th 1988 (this bird was probably feral) and in mid Dec 1993,(7) were present for a while in the Wouldham/Burham marshes area.
2021 Four on the road island lake from January,23rd - February 2nd.Then from March 2nd-22nd,up to 18 spent time between feeding on Burham marsh and their roost on the Road island lake at New Hythe.(the winter had been very good for this species in Kent).
2024 38 flew north during the morning of January 7th.
Breeding species,present in all months.In 1963,WAGBI introduced Greylags to their reserve at Sevenoaks and by 1975,there was (21) breeding pairs and the feral flock reached (220) birds.In 1970,they also introduced them to North Kent.With such big numbers not far away it is perhaps surprising that this Goose did not start to breed in our area until 1980.The first occurrence of this bird in the area was of (2) birds on April 17th 1976,followed by (9) on March 24th 1979.In early April 1980,4 pairs were present and breeding took place for the first time and annually thereafter.The species is now more numerous in the area than the Canada Goose.The wintering flock on Burham marsh reached (300),during Dec 1993.
2015 There was a peak count at New Hythe of 190 in June.

CANADA GOOSE Branta canadensis
Breeding species,present in all months.A pair was introduced to Leybourne in 1959 and by the first half of the 1960s,2-3 pairs were breeding.The breeding population by the end of the 1990s and up to the present time is probably between 4-6 pairs.I believe over the years it has lost ground to the Greylag.The numbers are swollen at times during the autumn and winter when our birds are joined by birds from Sevenoaks and Mote Park,There was a very high count of (450) birds on Oct 20th 1975.The flock probably included all of the Sevenoaks birds that were missing on that day.
2017 There was a peak count at New Hythe during July of 252.
2020 One hundred and fifty six,at Burham marsh on January 13th.
with 165,on November 7th.
2022 200 on the Road Island lake August 12th.

BARNACLE GOOSE Branta leucopis
All the records may relate to feral or escaped birds.Singles at New Hythe on May 7th 1975 and April 23rd 1978.One was present on Burham marsh from Feb 21st-March 6th 1981.There are a few recent undated records of single Barnacles in with the Canada geese flocks.
2021 One was seen in the New Hythe area during February.With three at Burham marsh on March 2nd and again on the 3rd

BRENT GOOSE Branta bernicle bernicle
Between 1975-1978,there are five records of single birds at New Hythe between Sept 17th and March 25th.In 1980,there were exceptional numbers using the new overland migration route over Kent,first noticed in 1975.In our area in Nov (40) flew over New Hythe and (500) over Snodland.1982,was another good year,all the birds again passing over S or SW.On Nov 4th,(80) flew over New Hythe,followed by (100) the next day and on the 6th,(70} passed over Snodland.The only record for 1983,was of (50) over New Hythe on Nov 10th.Numbers continued to be seen up until the mid 1990s,but since then it has been less regular,although I saw (100) flying over New Hythe on Oct 30th 2014.Spring records - one was seen leaving Abbey Meads and heading NE,on March 25th 1976 and another bird was seen flying down the Medway at Holborough during March 2012.Winter records are also scarce.Two on the Medway at New Hythe during Dec 1985 and two at Burham on Feb 5th 1986.A leucistic individuel was seen at New Hythe on Nov 20th 1993.
2020 Fifteen flew over Burham martsh at dusk (NE),on November 7th.
2022 14 flew south over New Hythe one November 14th.
2023 One on Tesco lake from March 18th - 20th (third spring record). 

RED BREASTED GOOSE  Branta ruficollis
These records probably either relate to feral or escaped birds.Two at Burham marsh on December 12th 2017,with one on the 28th.A single bird was then seen occasionally in the lakes complex during January/February 2018.The birds were associating with Canada Geese.

EGYPTIAN GOOSE Alopochen aegyptiaca
In recent years a small breeding population has been slowly establishing a foothold in the county.Two at New Hythe on May 16th and Nov 1st 1975.On March 30th 2010,(3) were seen at Tesco lake and during the winter of 2014,(1-2) were seen on Sand Hole golf course,which is on the edge of the recording area.One was seen at Leybourne on January 7th 2018,with two on the Streamside lake on March 16th.
2019 The first breeding record for our area came in April.When a pair was seen with small young on Allders lake,Leybourne.
2020 One was seen on the river by Eccles island creek on September 7th..
2021 Two on Alders lake,four on Brookland lake and one at Burham marsh on February 2nd.
2023 Two at Burham marsh on April 7th.
2024 Pair with young in the New Hythe/Leybourne lakes area,April 29th.Seen on the Roadside lake on May 11th (4 small young).
2025 Two flew over the Streamside lake on February 10th.

SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna
In the early years,Shelduck were regularly seen during the breeding season in the chalk quarries on the Downs at Halling,Wouldham and Burham.In the summer of 1982,ten pairs were seen in a quarry at Halling.They also breed in small numbers on the nearby marshes.One year in the 1960s,a pair was seen with young at Leybourne (Castle lake) and in the 1970s,a pair had a nest in a new digging at New Hythe.Since about 2015,a big housing project in the Burham/Wouldham area,has seen some of the quarries infilled and a new river crossing has now been built (2018/19.This must have a detrimental impact on the birds in the future.Especially as when the young hatch they are led down to the river by their parents,even in the past this journey was hazardous.Towards the end of July most of the birds move out of the area to moult.By early Nov they start to return,usually with peak numbers not being reached until Jan/Feb.At Burham marsh,in the meadow north of Burham church,from 1965-1968,up to five pairs were recorded from March - April,with 2-4 pairs remaining until June.The species was then scarce through the winter,with (14) being the maximum count.Peak winter counts during the 1980s and early 1990s,were much higher.Counts recorded are as follows - Dec 1981 (118),Feb 1984 (155),Feb 1985 (198) and Feb 1991 (112).Since the marsh was shot over during the winter of 1992/93,the numbers have been much smaller.The only lake shelduck regularly use is Abbey Meads,where numbers have reached 50 birds.
Nine in the big meadow north of Burham church on May 10th 2018.
2021 Twelve,Burham marsh February 27th.
2022 Two pairs along the river (New Hythe) during May.
2023 one along the river on January 25th.Nine at Burham marsh on April 7th.Two on the river from the Bucket Wood on May 15th.
2024 singles on the river at New Hythe on January 4th and on Brooklands lake on the 7th.
2025 one on the river from Bucket wood on January 21s,then regular dueing February. 

RUDDY SHELDUCK Tadorne ferrugines
These records probably relate to feral or escaped birds.One at Burham marsh from March 8th-17th,with two from the 21st-26th 1981.Two were again present the following year during Jan/Feb and Dec,A bird there in Jan/Feb 1983,was thought to have been a Shelduck x Ruddy hybrid.
2017  One was seen not far outside the area at Wouldham during April.

SNOW GOOSE Anser caerulescens
All the records relate to feral or escaped birds.Singles at Leybourne on April 21st 1977 and Feb 26th 1978,At New Hythe there was two in March 1986,one of which was a blue phase bird.A white bird was seen with a flock of sixty Canada geese at New Hythe on Sept 11th 1994.

MANDARIN Aix galericulata
One record of a drake seen on the Medway near Eccles island (1990s?).

WIGEON Anas penelope
Winter visitor and passage migrant.Wigeon are usually seen in the area during cold spells,especially if there is snow.The larger counts are as follows - (7) at New Hythe in Dec 1974,(10) in Nov 1975,(80) in Jan 1979,(92) in Jan 1985,(125) in 1987,(30) in Jan 1997 and circa 50 on November 8th 2016 (Abbey Meads).The big numbers during the 1980s,were feeding around the newly landscaped banks of Tesco lake.Recent maximum counts have been smaller,usually under twenty birds.A flock of (32) at Eccles on March 24th 1965 and (5) at Burham on March 16th 1966,may have been birds dispersing from the North Kent marshes.
2018 On March 26th,14 were seen on Abbey Meads.
2020 One on Abbey Meads,September 21st,with 7 on Brookland lake on October 14th.
2021 Eighteen on Abbey Meads,February 9th.
2022 Eight on Abbey Meads,29th September.  
2023 5 on Abbey Meads on September 9th,with four the following day.Five on October 17th.
December 2nd,8 on the island lake (New Hythe),with five on Abbey Meads on 15th.
2024 Nine on Abbey Meads,March 8th.One on Abbey Meads,September 7th ,with 2 on the 13th. 
September 29th,drake on the river from Bucket wood.Four flew over Brookland on November 3rd.Two on Abbey Meads on December 9th and  Alders on the 27th.
2025 Drake on the Road island lake on January 20th.   
GADWALL Anas strepera
Until the mid 1970s,this duck was a scarce winter visitor,(1-2) being the norm.From 1976,when (5) were present at New Hythe in Feb and March.There then began a steady rise in the numbers recorded.Ten were present in Jan/Feb 1979,(14) in Dec 1981,(20) in Jan 1984,(58) in Jan 1987,(52) in Jan 1992,(76) in Dec 1995,and (130) in Dec 1997.The count for 1997,exceeded the nationally important qualifying level.There was then a fall off in numbers between 2000 and 2004,which was probably caused by the building of the new housing development,which was built on part of the southern lakes area.However by 2005,numbers were back at national levels again.In Jan 2009,there was a count of (152) and in Feb 2012 and Jan 2013 (140).Although Gadwall have been seen in all months of the year,I have no proof of breeding.Gadwall winter mainly in the lakes complex but small numbers also frequent the marshes and river.A flock of (30) was present on  Holborough marsh during the winter of 1989/90 and just outside the area on Halling marshes on February 3rd 2017,32 were present.
2015 Peak winter count of 70,at New Hythe during November.
2017 Peak winter count on 77,at New Hythe during December. 
2021 Sixteen,on the Medway from the Bucket Wood,on February 2nd.Forty on the Medway during Nov/Dec into Jan/Feb 2022.
2022 Three on the Medway at New Hythe on June 6th.
2023 Pair on the river from the Bucket wood on April 6th.
2024 Only 15 seen in the New Hythe/Leybourne area on January 7th.Two on Abbey Meads September 13th.Six in the area of Eccles island creek,October 15th. 
2025 At least 35 in the New Hythe/Leybourne lakes area (January).Eight on the Dipping pond on February 12th.

TEAL  Anas crecca
For most of the 1960s,there was two main wintering flocks.One at Castle lake Leybourne and the other in the Burham/New Hythe river area,only the latter remains.The Leybourne flock deserted the lake during the late 1960s.The leybourne flock averaged (70) birds and in 1962,the Medway flock was recorded at (100) birds and in Jan 1968 at (70).Through most of the 1970s,the flock averaged around (100),However in Dec 1981,I counted (300) in the meadow just north of Burham church and there then began an annual increase in numbers until a maximum of (1,500),was recorded roosting/loafing in the meadow during Feb 1986.In Jan/Feb 1987,(1100) were present,with (700) in Dec 1988,(600) in Dec 1989 and (1100) in Dec 1990.These high numbers though were not to be recorded again.During the 1990s,peak winter counts averaged (500) and by the end of the decade and up to the present time numbers have usually been around the (100) mark.Over the years the odd pair has been seen during the summer.Breeding was finally proved in April 1984,when a duck with small ducklings was seen in the area of Eccles island.Teal start to return during Sept,with the maximum numbers usually being reached in Jan/Feb.By March the numbers start to fall,with small numbers remaining into April.Although the lakes are very close to the river,it is unusual now to see Teal in the lakes complex.Since the establishment of the KTNC reserve at Holborough marsh,Teal are regularly present during the winter months
2021 A pair on the Medway,close to Eccles Island creek during July.
2021/22 Circa sixty along the river at New Hythe Nov/Dec/ and Jan/Feb.
2023 Still 20 along the river on April 7th.At least 70 wintered 22/23.Unusual record of a male near Eccles Island Creek on June 5th.At least 65 along the river at New Hythe on October 20th.
2024 March 15th,14 along the river from Bucket wood.
August 18th,2 on the river,with 30 by September 20th.November 17th,100 along the river.
2025 January100 on the river from Bucket wood along to Eccles island.

GREEN-WINGED TEAL Anas carolinensis
2006 North American race of the Teal.A drake was seen on the Medway at New Hythe from March 4th-7th.

MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos
Common breeding species and winter visitor,which has declined over the years.Mallard nest in the lakes complex and on the marshes.Up until the beginning of the 1990s,when a decline set in,Mallard were wintering in their hundreds.There was counts of (319) at Leybourne in Jan 1963,(280) at New Hythe in Jan 1975,followed by (180) in Jan 1982,(450) in Jan 1985 and (104) in Dec 1989.Since then peak winter counts have rarely reached (100).In recent years the higher counts have come mainly from the Medway,in the area of Eccles island creek.Where winter counts have reached (100) 2016 and 2017.
2020 Eighty five along the river at New Hythe on September 7th.(area of Eccles Island creek).
2022 124 in the area of Eccles island (low tide) October 25th.
2023 May/June at least forty along the river,mainly males.September 13th,150 mainly in the area of Eccles island creek.
2024 circa 50 at low tide in the area of Eccles island creek on August 6th.

PINTAIL Anas acuta
Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant,even more so in recent years.Pintail are usually seen in the lakes complex and occasionally on the marshes during spells of harsh weather,especially if there is snow.The more notable counts are - (6) at Leybourne from early Jan through to March 1963,(5) at New Hythe in Feb 1976,up to (8) there in Feb 1979,with (10) on Feb 20th 1985 and Jan 12th 1987.During Jan and Feb 1998,(4) drakes and (2) duck were present on flooded marshland at Holborough (KTNC) reserve.There was a pair along the Medway there on March 12th 2012.
2021 Five flew over Abbey Meads on March 3rd.
2025 At 13:00 on February 12th,a drake was flushed from the unusual location of the mill stream.From where it relocated to the Conservation lake and later back to the Mill stream near the cafe.Where it was still present the following day. 

GARGANEY Anas querquedula
Formerly quite regular as a passage migrant,now rare.A drake at Leybourne (Motorway lake) on March 18th 1962,was the earliest recorded.Three there from March 20th-April 10th 1963,with a pair on Aug 17th 1977 and a lone duck on Sept 16th 1974.At New Hythe single pairs were seen as follows - March 28th 1971,March 28th-31st 1976,April 9th 1979,and from April 13th-21st 1982.At Burham marsh (3) were seen on March 21st 1971.At Holborough a duck was seen in Aug 1987 and a drake spent three weeks there during March and April 1998.At New Hythe a drake was seen in the Sunken marsh from May 31st-June 1st 1995 and on April 6th 2012,a drake was seen on the Medway there.A pair was recorded as breeding at New Hythe in 1979.
2021 One was seen on Abbey Mead on April 2nd.
2022 One was seen on Abbey Meads on April 3rd.
2023 A nice male on Brookland lake,April 5th.
2024 One was seen on Brookland lake and latter on Abbey Meads on September 13th. 

SHOVELER Anas clypeata
Winter visitor and passage migrant,which has become more numerous over the years.Shoveler are annual visitors.The period spanning the 1960s-1980s,saw a maximum count of (20) birds in Dec 1978.During the 1990s,good numbers were recorded from Abbey Meads,with counts of  (27) in March 1992 and Dec 1993,(28) in Jan 1994 and (20) in Dec 1995.There was a high count of (63) in Dec 1996,when there was (30) on Abbey Meads and (33) on Alders lake.Other more recent counts are as follows - (41) in Dec 2003,(32) in Jan 2008,(42) in Jan 2009,(35) in Feb 2010 and (47) in Feb 2012.Shoveler have usually dispersed by the end of March and start to return during Sept/Oct.On occasions birds have been seen during the summer months,such as a drake in June 1995,Shoveler can also be seen at times along the river and on the marshes,but always in small numbers.
2017 Peak winter count of 17,at New Hythe during February.
2022/23 Probably under 10.A pair on Brookland April 5th.
2023 December 5th,19 on Alders lake. 
2024 5 on strikers lake (Country Park).Two pairs on Abbey Meads March 21st.
September 5th,3 on the Road island lake.Fifteen on Alders December 9th.
2025 January At least 35 in the area (mainly on Alders).Fifteen on Alders February 6th.

It is impossible to say whether any of these records are of genuine wild birds,Recent records are all the more clouded by the fact that the species now breeds occasionally at nearby West Malling Country Park.The period spanning the 1960s-1970s,saw just two records,both of single females.One at Leybourne (Motorway lake) during Jan 1962 and the other at New Hythe from Feb 3rd-16th 1974.From the early 1980s,there then began an upsurge in records.Most of these being of single birds of both sexes and seen during the winter months.Although in one instance a drake stayed for a whole year.Apart from these single birds,in 2004,a pair was seen during June and (3) were present on the (small Tesco lake) from Jan 1st-5th 2009.A more recent record is of a fine drake on the Streamside lake on April 17th 2013.
2021 Four seen on the small Tesco lake on January 23rd (three drakes and one female).
2023 A nice drake was seen on Tesco lake on March 26th.
2024 three on the Road island lake,November 2nd.
2025 female on the Road island lake January 21st.

POCHARD Aythya ferine
Common winter visitor,with a notable fall in numbers in recent years.The period spanning 1962-1968 (when I first started watching in the area).Pochard wintered mainly at Leybourne (Motorway lake and Alders).Peak winter counts being - (90) in Dec 1962,(94) in Jan 1966,(115) in Dec 1967 and (80) in Feb 1968.During the early 1970s,with more water appearing in the form of new gravel workings nearby at New Hythe.Pochard started to winter there also and their numbers increased.By 1974,up to (300) were wintering in the area.During the very cold weather of Dec 1981 and Jan 1982,(550) were present on Abbey Meads by Dec 30th.The lake then froze over and the birds moved onto the nearby Medway.When the lake thawed and the duck moved back,there was a very high count of (908) on Jan 22nd.Other peak winter counts include - (545) in Feb 1986,(670) in Feb 1987,(350) in Feb 1991,(131) in Jan 1994,(630) in Jan 1997,with (150) in Dec,(100) in Jan 1998,(82) in Jan 1999 and (50) in Dec 2000.By the start of the new millennium it can be seen that a general downward trend in numbers had started and this has continued up to the present time.Winter 2014/15,was notable for the fact that in all my years of watching,I saw no Pochard during October.Indeed I did not see my first birds until mid Nov and then they only reached a peak of (60) in Dec and they also dispersed earlier than usual.There are a number of mid summer records mainly involving (1-2) drakes although (4 pairs) were seen on Abbey Meads on May 30th 1982.The only proof of breeding I have was when I came across a female with small ducklings at Castle lake,one summer during the 1970s.There has been a general decline in Pochard numbers visiting Britain.
2017 On November 26th 83 were present on Abbey Mead.A good number for recent years and especially for November 
2018.During Jan/Feb up to 150 were present,with 80 still on March 8th.
2019 Peak count for January/February 2019,160.
2019/20,only produced a max of circa 60,during December.Numbers then quickly fell away.
2020 Seven on Abbey Meads,12th October..
2021 Poor numbers January/February,6 only February 9th,circa 25 only in December.
2022 January/February very low numbers,less than 10.October 25th (18) Abbey Mead.
circa 29 Abbey Meads and circa 50 Alders lake December 5th.
2023 10 on Abbey Meads and 12 on Alders January 25th.All the birds had gone by the early date of February 15th.Pair on Abbey Meads,April 4th.Seven on Abbey Meads,October 17th,didn`t stay around.
November 7th,26 on Alders lake.November 21st,10 on Abbey Meads,with 8 on Alders.
2024 poor start,only two seen (Alders) January 4th,3males,1 female on  the 7th.
January 17th (freezing) up to 15 now in the area.Seven on Brooklands,March 7th (migrants ?).
September 6th,drake on the Road island lake.Five on Alders,October 20th.Two on the Road island lake,November 3rd.Alders 35 November 28th,2 also on Brookland.
2025 January still only about 35-40 in the area (mainly on Alders).None seen from the beginning of February (occasionally 1-3). 

RING-NECKED DUCK Aythya collaris
Rare visitor
North America.Some of the records of this duck in Britain are of escaped birds.A first winter drake was seen on the streamside lake during Dec 1999.
A drake was seen on Abbey Mead lake on December 19th 2018.Still present March 2019,at least until the 19th.

Rare visitor.
Some birds may be escapes.Singles at Leybourne on Dec 8th 1968,Jan 13th-14th 1969 and Nov 6th 1970.At New Hythe from Dec 29th 1996,to at least Jan 14th 1977,on Dec 19th 2003,from Dec 11th 2005-March 18th 2006 and in 2007,one was seen from the beginning of the year until March 12th and again on July 27th.The 2005/06/07,records may have been the same returning individual.On Dec 30th 2014,a Pochard x Ferruginous was seen on Abbey Meads lake.

TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula
Common winter visitor,present in all months,with small numbers breeding.Peak winter counts at Leybourne in the 1960s,are as follows - (81) in Jan 1963,(40) in Jan 1965,(50) in Jan 1966 and (60) in Dec 1968.During the 1970s,with more water appearing in the form of new gravel workings nearby at New Hythe.Their numbers increased considerably and by 1987,there was a peak count of (660) in Jan.More recent counts have included - (325) in Dec 2004,(350) in Dec 2006,(350) in Jan 2010 and (560) in Jan 2012.I first noticed breeding in the area when I saw a brood of small young in the Brook House area in 1968.Small numbers also occasionally breed on the marshes at Holborough and Burham.
There was a peak winter count of  425 at New Hythe in December 2015'
2018 Peak count of 475 in December.
2022 134 on Brookland,25th October.
2023 Big numbers gone by the end of January.Five hundred during Oct/November.
2024 227 in New Hythe/Leybourne area January 7th.Three hundred and fifty (New Hythe/Leybourne) during November,100 or more being on Brookland. 
2025 Much reduced in numbers by February. 

SCAUP Aythya marila
Rare winter visitor,Scaup usually occur during times of harsh weather.One was seen at Snodland on Feb 3rd 1963.At Leybourne there was (2) from Nov 11th-18th 1962 and Nov 10th-20th 1963.At New Hythe there was (5) on Jan 13th 1979,(1-2) from Jan through to March 23rd 1980.Singles during Feb,/March and Dec 1981,Jan 9th 1982,winter 1986,Feb 6th 1991,from the end of Dec 1996,through to at least Feb 9th 1997,Jan 26th 2000 and March 14th 2003.1998,was a very good year with (1) adult drake,(2) immature drakes and (1) female present on Abbey Meads from Jan into March.
2012 A female was seen on the Streamside lake on December 30th.
2017 A female was present on Abbey Meads from late November 2017,up until at least March 26th,2018.
2021 A nice male first seen on Abbey Meads with circa 150 Tufted Duck on November 28th..Remained in the area,visiting,as well as the above lake,Brookland,Streamside and Railway,at least until March 16th 2022.
2024 Adult male from January 25th - March 11th.

COMMON EIDER Somateria mollissima
1989. A very unusual record of this sea duck was of a flock of fourteen flying south over Leybourne on Nov 18th.

COMMON SCOTOR Melanitta nigra
Uncommon visitor to inland Kent.
Singles at New Hythe on Nov 27th 1969,April 10th 1971,Jan 4th 1974,April 27th 1989,Sept 26th 2000,June 26th and from Nov 1st-6th 2012,Two were seen on March 12th 1982 and March 17th 2001

VELVET SCOTOR Melanitta fusca
Very rare visitor,to inland Kent.
1965 One at Leybourne on March 6th,was found dead there on the 20th.

LONG-TAILED DUCK clangula hyemalis
Rare visitor to inland Kent.
A first winter male first seen on Brooklands lake on Nov 17th 2005 remained in the area until April 11th 2006.

GOLDENEYE Bucephala clangula
Winter visitor and passage migrant,recorded almost annually,usually occurs between Oct and May.I believe nine in Jan 1976,is the highest count recorded.Adult drakes are seen less often than immature and females.When they do occur,they can often been seen displaying to the females.Occasionally Goldeneye are seen on the Medway in our area between Holborough and New Hythe.
No records for 2017/18.Many of the cold weather wildfowl and grebes,are now stopping in France and Holland.
One was seen on Alders small lake during December 2018 (drake) and again on January 8th and 20th 2019.
2021 Two drakes on Tesco lake February 13th.(period of cold easterlies,with snow).One drake on Brookland lake from December 3rd 9th.
2022 one imm on Alders lake 12th and 14th December. 
2023 A drake found on Brookland lake on march 11th,was still present on the 14th.Which was probably the same bird was present again From April 3rd - 6th.
November 18th,two female type on Alders lake - December 2nd,1 on 5th which remained to the end of December.
2024 January 4th,adult drake on the small Alders lake,last seen there on February 15th.
2025 Brown head on Abbey Meads February 3rd.

SMEW Mergus albellus
Recorded from Dec into March,peak numbers occurring during Jan and Feb.Records as follows -
1963 up to (10) including (3) adult males at Leybourne during Jan/Feb.1964 singles on Jan 24th and in Dec.1976 (6)1979 (18) 1980 (1) in  Jan and Dec 1981 (6) 1984 (1) 1985 (6) 1986 (5) 1987 (25) 1988 (25) 1989 (1) 1990 (2) 1991 (26),1996 (10) 1997 (31) 1998 (25) 1999 (22)2000 (16) 2001 (8) 2002 (12) 2003 (5) 2004 (3) 2005 (1) 2006 (1) 2008 (1) 2010 (1) 2011 (2),2012 (9) 2013 (6)2015 (1) 2018 (1).Adult males reached a high of six during the winter of 1988.From the 1980s onward,most of the records came from the lakes at New Hythe.
2021 One drake and two red-heads on Abbey Meads,from February 13th (period of very cold easterlies,with snow).The drake was last seen on the 15th.Two red-heads remained until the 20th and  then one until 26th.

Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant.The first record was of a fine drake on Abbey Meads on April 10th 1971.1979,was an exceptional year,(1) was seen at New Hythe on Jan 8th,with (3) by the 22nd.On Feb 17th,there was an influx of (10) drakes and (13) red-heads (Streamside lake).The following day most had moved on,but at least (6) red-heads remained until March 4th and odd birds were seen up until the 25th.During 1980,(12) were present at New Hythe on Nov 12th,with a lone red-head from Oct 29th,through to April 20th.1981.In 1982,(2) red-heads were seen on Jan 13th,with (1) on Dec 12th.In 1986,(1) was seen on April 12th,in 1987 there was (1-2) from Jan 24th-25th,in 2003 (1) drake on Dec 7th,in 2011,(1) red-head on Jan 1st and in 2012,(1) drake on Nov 3rd.Away from the lakes,a pair was seen on the river at Holborough on Feb 1st 1977 and (1) was present on the river at Wouldham (not far outside the area) from Jan 3rd-March 7th 1988.It or another bird was present again on Dec 20th.

GOOSANDER Mergus merganser
Irregular winter visitor and uncommon passage migrant.Although Goosanders usually arrive at times of harsh winter weather,when influxes may occur,(1-2) can usually be expected most winters.There was a high count of (15) during the cold weather of Dec 1981.During the last few days of Dec 1996 and the first two of Jan 1997.Goosander were much in evidence in the Abbey Meads lake area.Small flocks were seen dropping in on the lake,while other flocks passed overhead,seemingly following the river N.In all I counted (19) birds.A red-head on the Medway at New Hythe from April 14th-28th 1979,may have been sick or injured.
Three red-heads flew up the Medway at New Hythe,on November 6th 2017.One red-head was then present on the Railway lake/Streamside lake from December 28th-March 25th? 2018.On February 10th 2018,it was joined briefly by two more and then a single bird,which stayed until at least March 8th.
One in the Leybourne area,December 2018 into January 2019 (red-head).
Interestingly a female was seen at Maidstone (river ?) on May 23rd and later a juvenile was seen on the river at Wouldham on September 22nd.
One red-head on Alders lake from January 7th - to at least March 3rd 2021.Which was probably the same bird seen occasionally on Abbey Meads.
One red head first seen on the Road Island lake on December 27th 2021.Remained in the lakes area until at least March 8th 2022.
2022 A drake flew north over Brookland lake on December 2nd.
2023 November 7th - 15th single Red head on Alders lake.
2024 Red head on Brookland on January the 3rd and what was probably the same bird on Alders on the 4th. A Red head commuted between Abbey Meads and Tesco lake (April 4th - 6th). A nice male on Alders on December 31st.

RUDDY DUCK Oxyura jamaicensis
Introduced species,now being culled after a period of rapid increase.Singles at New Hythe on Jan 9th 1979,from Nov 29th-Dec 10th 1980,Feb 13th 1983,from Dec 9th 1985-Feb 1986,Feb 10th-18th 1991,Dec 6th-31st 1993,during Jan/Feb 1994,Jan 18th 2001 and Sep/Oct 2006.A pair was seen on Brookland lake on March 14th 2002 (first spring record) and during Jan/Feb 1997,up to (10) were present on Abbey Meads.Away from the lakes,(3) were seen on the river at New Hythe on Jan 19th 1982.
2015 Three were seen at New Hythe on February 17th.

QUAIL Coturnix coturnix
Rare summer visitor to inland Kent.
Singles not far outside the area at Burham on May 13th 1965 and Wouldham on June 19th 1990.

Irregular breeding species.During the 1970s,small numbers were regularly seen in the New Hythe lakes area and on the marshes at Holborough and Burham.During this period birds were being released on farmland in the area for shoots.By the 1990s,after the shoots had ceased,I believe sometime during the 1980s,birds were seen far less often.A breeding pair on the marsh at Holborough in 1996 and I saw a small covey there in 2013.
Two at Burham on January 13th 2020.

GREY PARTRIDGE Perdix perdix
Former breeding species.During the 1970s,small numbers were regularly seen on the marshes and in the New Hythe lakes area.By the 1980s,it had become very scarce.The last record I have was of a pair on Holborough marsh in the summer of 1991.
2019 Three at Burham on July 1st.

PHEASANT Phasianus colchicus
Resident.Pheasants breed on the marshes at Holborough and Burham.Small numbers can now also be found in the lakes area.They are reared for shoots on the North Downs.
2024 One seen by Bucket wood,March 14th.

Formerly more regular,now rare.Apart from two birds at New Hythe on Feb 5th 1986.all the records refer to singles.There are seven for Jan and Feb,five for March,three for April,one for May and two for Dec.Most of the records refer to short stay birds,usually during periods of harsh weather.During 1969 however,a bird stayed at Leybourne from April 1st,through to May 7th and during 1983,a bird stayed again at Leybourne from Feb through to April/There are two records away from the lakes complex.A bird on Eccles reservoir from Dec 26th 1976-Jan 1st 1977 and on the Medway on March 15th 1987.One of the long staying individuals was slightly oiled.Singles at New Hythe in Jan 1996 and on Feb 8th 2006,are the most recent records I have.

Rare visitor.There are two records before a series in the 1980s.Single birds were present on Eccles reservoir from March 25th-May 15th and Oct 21st-29th 1962.Singles at New Hythe on Dec 28th 1981,March 24th 1985,Dec 10th 1987 and from March 2nd-15th 1988.A bird on Abbey Meads from April 14th-15th,may have been the same bird that was seen on the Medway at Holborough a few days later on the 20th.At Leybourne one was present from Feb 17th-March 18th 1982 and on Jan 17th 1982,another bird was seen on the river from Burham.The most recent record is of a bird at New Hythe on Feb 8th 2006.

Rare visitor
Two singles,one on Eccles reservoir on March 25th 1962 and one on Brookland lake form Jan 1st-8th 2000.

CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo
Formerly mainly a winter visitor in small numbers,now present in all months.1962-1967 - records were of mainly immature birds during the winter months.1968-1973 - recorded more often,with birds occurring in the spring and autumn also.1974 - birds were recorded in all months,with peaks of (20) in March and (32) in Dec.Jan 1975,saw a peak of (65) birds and as well as immature,a few adults were now present.These birds were feeding mainly in the lakes and along the river during the day and roosting by night in trees on the island at Alders lake,Leybourne.By this time however they were coming into conflict with the fishermen and a few were shot.Only (15) were present over the following winter of 1976/77.After the shootings there was a public outcry and the shooting was stopped.Over the following years,the numbers slowly increased again and by 1984,there were counts of (45) in Feb and (35) in March.Feb 1985,saw a roost count of (102).It was shortly sometime after this I believe that the fishermen had had enough and the trees were cut down.The birds though simply moved just across the road (Leybourne Way) to a new roost site.High counts continued to be recorded well into the 1990s,with (165) in 1997,but by the new millennium  and up to the present time numbers have only rarely reached (50).Most of the birds now appear to feed along the Medway.Many of the adults seen in the area are P.c.sinensis.There was a count of (28) nests nearby at Aylesford in April 2010.A bird found dead at Burham on 17 03 12,was ringed as an immature at Mageoeme Bogense,Denmark on 09 06 11.On April 14th 2012,there was a count of 28 occupied nests in the east pit at Aylesford.
2018 New Hythe/Leybourne
J    F   M   A   M   J   J   A   S   O   N   D
20  16 13  15  6   10 5   7   6    18  14  20

SHAG Phalacrocorax aristotelis
Uncommon visitor.
One was found dead at Leybourne on April 2nd 1962.It had been ringed on the Farne Islands in 1961.Singles there on Jan 31st 1975,Feb 6th 1976,Nov 29th 1977,the first quarter of 1988 and during Dec 1988.Two were present from Dec 31st 1979-Jan 1st 1980.At New Hythe singles there on Dec 21st 1988,during Dec 2000,Dec 13th-14th 2002 and Nov 1st 2012.There was (2) on Dec 20th 1978,Nov 11th 1988 and Nov 13th-15th 2000.Three were present from Oct 17th-19th 1993.Away from the lakes complex,one was seen along the Medway at Holborough on the unusual date of May 7th 1988.

COMMON BITTERN Botaurus stellaris
Winter visitor,Singles at Leybourne on Sept 5th 1962 (early) and Dec 20th 1967.At New Hythe on Feb 21st 1967,during Jan and Feb 1979,on Dec 19th 1981,during Jan 1982 and on Feb 16th 1984.From the winter of 1985,Bitterns were then noted annually up until 2017 and there after only irregularly.Many of the records come from the New Hythe lakes complex.Favoured areas are Brookland lake,Abbey Meads and Streamside lake,all of which are reed fringed.Most of the records involved (1-2). birds..However up to (4) were thought to have been present in the very cold winter of 2001/02,with (5) on March 1st 2004.
2014 singles noted at New Hythe.
2016 singles at New Hythe
2017 singles at New Hythe
2018/19/20 no birds seen.
2021 One was seen in flight at New Hythe on February 19th.
2022 one was seen in flight at dawn near the Mill stream on November 30th.What was probably the same bird was seen on the streamside lake SE corner on December 13th (freezing conditions).

NIGHT HERON Nycticorax nycticorax
very rare visitor.
2020 Adult at New Hythe from July 21st-August 3rd.
2021 It or another in the same locality for about a week at the end of July,into August.
2023 One was seen from a car flying over the M20 near Leybourne.During the early morning of May 14th.

CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis
Very rare visitor.(regularly now seen at Dungeness,6 during Jan/Feb 2023).
2011 One was present not far outside the recording area on Halling Marsh from July 29th-30th.
2023 Five at Burham marsh on September 13th.

LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta
Formerly very rare visitor to Kent.Singles in the Burham/Wouldham area during April 1995 and at New Hythe on Jan 3rd 1997.On July 30th,2001 a flock of (11) was seen flying down the river at Holborough,which is the maximum number I have recorded for the area.Since about 2002,it has been seen annually and in all months.Although the majority of the sightings come from the Medway,singles are regularly seen in the lakes complex and along the Mill stream.
Three were seen feeding in a horse paddock at Sandhole,by the vets,on  the edge of the recording area,on January 30th 2016 and on March 16th 2018,also on the edge of the recording area at Snodland,six were seen in fields just south of the Big Motoring World Collection and Service Centre.
2019 Four around the Big Allders lake on 10th January.
2020 Ten on a field pond at Birling on August 12th .(not far from the recording area).
2022 Two in the Heronry (full breeding plumage) May 13th.
2023 Two along the river during June (breeding plumage).
2024 January 17th,3-4 in the area.A juvenile was seen from Bucket wood on July 1st.

GREAT WHITE egret Ardea alba
Formerly very rare in Kent,now seen annually,mostly.in the Dungeness area.
2011 Single at New Hythe on Oct 29th.
2012 Single at New Hythe on Feb 10th.
2021 Five standing on the edge of a reed bed (Streamside lake) which latter flew off north on February 11th.a period of cold easterlies,with snow. 
2021One was seen on Burham marsh at 08:15 on March 22nd.Before flying off north,only minutes later. 
2021 One flew low over Brookland lake from the west at (10:15) and then followed the Medway north on July 26th.
2022 Singles were seen at Abbey Meads on January 3rd,and from the Bucket wood,on October 22nd. 
Thee flew north over the Sunken marsh on November 12th.
2023 One flew over the Sunken marsh on September 22nd.
2024 One along the river at New Hythe on September 23rd.
One flew over Brookland lake towards Burham marsh on November 18th.

GREY HERON Ardea cinerea
Common resident.since 1993,when one nest was seen on Eccles island.Breeding has taken place there annually ever since.There were (8) nests in 1996,(21) in 2000,(38) in 2007,(44) in 2012 and (32) in 2014.Congregations of up to (20) or more have been seen feeding on the Medway in the area of Eccles island creek.Three nests were recorded from Leybourne in 1974.
At least eight occupied nests seen during March 2019.
Eighteen occupied nests seen from the New Hythe side of the river,April 2022.
2023 18 occupied nests,April 4th.
2024 20 occupied nests March.
2025 12 occupied February 23rd.

BLACK STORK Ciconia nigra
2011 One flew over New Hythe south on April 8th.

WHITE STORK Circonia circonia
Rare visitor.
Two records of single birds seen not far outside our area.One flew over Aylesford on April 16th 1967 and on Sept 12th-13th 1988,a bird was seen near Eccles.
One over Snodland on March 29th 2019,a while later it was seen over Ditton.
One over New Hythe on April 17th,2019.
One was present on freshly ploughed fields for five days,last seen on September 13th 2020
(between Snodland and Paddlesworth).
2021 One flew NE over New Hyth on April 1st.
2022 One flew over New Hythe south on April 17th.The same day that 20 flew south from the Essex coast.
2023 One flew west over New Hythe on July 20th.

SPOONBILL Platalea leuorodia
Very rare visitor.
One record of two birds seen flying over New Hythe (1990s?).
2023 Two flew over Tesco lake on July 21st.

GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinellus
Very rare visitor
2020 One flew south along the valley at Wouldham,on November 5th.

LITTLE GREBE Tahybaptus ruficollis
Breeding species in small numbers,seen in all months.It is probably safe to say that no more than eight pairs has nested in any one year.As well as nesting in the lakes complex,a few pairs breed on the marshland dykes at Holborough and Burham.Occasionally more so in the 1970s.There is a build up of birds on one of the larger lakes during the autumn.This though seldom exceeds (15) birds.During the very harsh winter of 1963,this species suffered greatly and it took a number of years to recover.During the winter months small numbers can be found along the river.
On November 19th 2017,6 on Brookland lake,with a further 5 on the Medway.
2024 Kidney lake,nest with small young,April 1st.

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus
Probably between (6-12) pairs nest annually in the lakes complex.A nest with four eggs was found at Leybourne on the early date of March 7th 1967.This Grebe will also nest late into the season.In recent years small young have been seen in Oct (perhaps earlier nesting attempts failed).Winter numbers have fluctuated over the years.Only (2) were found in Nov 1970 and Dec 1971.Other counts include (40) in Jan and Feb 1976,(30) in Dec 1987,(36) in Feb 1997 and (35) in Feb 2015.This grebe is also seen occasionally along the river (1-2).Nineteen adults on Brookland lake during July 2015,was unusual.

RED-NECKED GREBE Podiceps grisegena
Rare winter visitor.
Singles at New Hythe in Nov 1979.on Sept 28th 1980,Sept 23rd 1981,Jan 9th 1982 ,Jan 5th,through to April 5th and Sept 10th 1985,Jan 31st-Feb 9th 1988,Nov/Dec 1991,in Jan and Oct 1995,Feb 14th-17th 1996 and Oct 17th 2006.Unfortunately the long staying 1985 bird was found dead,killed by a baited fishing hook.Besides the above single birds,(2) were present from Feb 16th-March 31st 1979,one of which stayed on to April 9th,(2) in Oct and Dec 1981,Jan 1987,with (3) in Nov 1981 and Feb 1987.During Dec 1993,one was present on Brookland lake from the 15th,through to Jan 30th 1994.On the latter date date in was joined by a second bird that had been present on Abbey Meads,since Dec 31st 1993.These two birds,one an adult female and the other an immature male.Then stayed together until they were last seen on March 19th.However on April 10th ,a bird which was possibly the female,returned to the lake and stayed until the 20th.During their long stay,they were frequently seen displaying to each other.Later the same year on Oct 23rd,two birds returned to the lake (same birds?),but only stayed a few days.
2021 One on Abbey Mead,from February 11th,through to March 30th.

Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant.All the records refer to New Hythe and are of singles.The only exception being 1979,when two were seen in February.. 
1972 January 25th and March 19th.
1978 February. 
1979 2 on February 21st and one on April 6th.
1982 January 3rd. 
1984 January 27th-February 12th.
1985 January/February and December.
1986 January
1987 February.
1996 January and December.
1998 December 22nd.
2000 January 31st.
2006 March 25th-April 3rd
2010 December 10th.
2011 Jan 15th.
2022  one on Abbey Meads on December 4th.

BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis
Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant.All the records refer to the lakes complex.Single birds from July 28th-Aug 10th 1968,Jan 5th-11th 1969 and Feb 4th-March 20th 1976.There was (2) on Jan 6th 1977.1979 was a good year,with singles on Jan 6th,23rd-26th,March 16th,April 10th and May 10th.The last two birds were in breeding plumage.Towards the end of the year (2) were seen on Oct 1st.Singles again on Sept 14th 1981,Jan 11th 1982,Jan 13th 1985,April 5th 2004 and in Feb 2006.
2018 One was present on Abbey Meads from March 3rd - 30th?. 
2019 One at New Hyhe on April 22nd.
2024 One was seen on Alders lake on November 12th.
2025 One on Tesco/Diver`s lakes on January 4th.

GANNET Morus bassanus
A regular passage migrant off the Kent coast.
An unusual record of one immature flying up the Medway (seen from the Bucket Wood) on September 19th 2016.One imm flying south over New Hythe (11:50) on September 24th 2018.Two were also seen (imm) flying south over East Malling (11:20) (will this become a regular occurrence now).

HONEY BUZZARD Pernis apivorus
Rare passage migrant.
During the very large influx of this species into Britain during Sept 2000.Up to five passed over New Hythe south on one day towards the end of the month.Just outside the area above Birling,one flew west along the North Downs on the 30th.

RED KITE Milvis milvis
Rare,but increasingly regular spring passage migrant.One flew NE over New Hythe on Jan 1st 1997 and (1) flew west just outside the area at Cuxton on March 19th 2001.Since 2010,spring migrants have been recorded annually. 
2015 A single at New Hythe on April 6th with 14 on May 16th (west)
2017 On June 3rd 80 were recorded flying over New Hythe (west)
2017 One was seen at New Hythe on October 5th (flying west)
2018 One was seen circling high over Leybourne on March 16th.
2019 Singles flew over Snodland (just outside the recording area) heading east,on February 28th.
and NW on March 25th at (1700).
2020 Singles flying along the Downs above Paddlesworth on May 22nd,26th and June 8th - 11th and
east over Brookland lake on July 31st. 
2021Sigles at New Hythe on February 20th and Birling on March 29th.
2022 Two flew west over Brookland lake on January 16th.With singles NW there on March 22nd,May 2nd and May 6th. One flew west on November 25th.
2023 Two along the Downs above Birling and a single over Abbey Meads on January 1st,Another single past over New Hythe at 13:00 on the 29th.One over the Sunken marsh at 11:30 on February 13th and (another seen from the Bucket wood on the 18th (10:00).
Two seen feeding over freshly turned fields at the foot of the Downs at Birling on the 23rd (just outside the recording area).
One flying slowly east over Snodland on March 7th and another flew east over New Hyhe on the 18th.
Three drifted over New Hythe west,late afternoon on April 4th and another was heard over the West scrub on the 5th.One flew over the Bucket wood at 12:30 on the April 9th.
One over Holborough on May 26th.
Four over Tesco lake.followed by a single on June 11th.(10:00). 
Singles seen from the Bucket wood on August 1st,September 16th,October 8th and 16th. 
2024 One flew NW over my garden on March 13th (13:30).Two flew over Brookland lake 11:00 on the 14th,with a single from Bucket wood at 11:57.Two more seen over New Hythe on the 16th.Two west on the 23rd.Two flew west over New Hythe on April 27th.Two birds from Bucket wood on May 4th and 2 flying west at 12:50 on the 5th.One flew SW over my garden (Snodland) on May 14th (15:40).Three over the Downs from Bucket wood on July 1st.One seen at New Hythe on October 27th.
2025 One seen from Bucket wood (foot of Downs) on February 15th and another over Abbey Meads the following day.Over Abbey Meads again on the 23rd. 

BLACK KITE  Milvus migrans 
2020 Very rare visitor.One passed over New Hythe during June.
2024 one was seen over Snodland on July 15th.

MARSH HARRIER Circus aeruginosus
Formerly very rare,now seen with increasing frequency.Singles at Leybourne on Jan 1st 1975,Burham marsh on April 4th 1981,New Hythe on Aug 8th 1995,in the Holborough/Burham and New Hythe area from Jan 9th-12th 1997 and New Hythe on Feb 19th and March 28th 2007.Since 2010,this harrier has been seen annually in the area,usually just singles are involved.However on Nov 14th 2012,I saw a male and female quartering the reed beds at Holborough.On July 28th 2015,one was seen from the Bucket Wood quartering the reed bed across the river at Burham marsh.
2017 One flew north across the Sunken marsh on March 25th and one was seen on several occasions over the marsh at Burham during August (imm).
2019 singles seen from the Bucket Wood in mid January and March 18th (looking across to Burham).
2022 One seen from the Bucket wood on April 28th
2023 Singles seen from the Bucket wood on February 13th and 23rd.
A good record of 3 imm over Brookland lake at 10:40 on August 9th.
Singles seen from the Bucket wood on October 17th and November 20th,the latter flew south.
2024 A female flew north by streamside on January 15th.One seen high over Abbey Meads on March 16th.One flew over the Sunken marsh on April 21st.Three seen over New Hythe on November 2nd.A female was seen from Bucket wood on November 15th.
2025 Singles seen from Bucket wood on January 12th and February 16th..

HEN HARRIER Circus cyaneus
Rare winter visitor.During the very cold winter of 1963,a ringtail was seen at Holborough marsh on Jan 21st.During the period spanning 1978 to the end of the 1980s.This bird was an annual visitor to the Burham marsh/New Hythe/Sunken marsh area.The records refer to mainly single ringtails.Males were recorded on the following dates-Feb 25th 1979,Nov 15th and Dec 30th 1981.The birds arrived from Nov onwards,the latest date for departure being March 30th 1985.
A ringtail was seen at Holborough marsh on Dec 28th 2007.
One which was first seen over Burham marsh on January 1st 2017 (from the Bucket Wood),was seen again on the 5th.
2018 One was seen at New Hythe on November 10th.
2019 One was seen from the Bucket wood at New Hythe on January 1st and again on the 8th,One ringtail was watched leaving its roost at Holborough marsh on March 19th.
Between November 2018/and March 2019,there was numerous sightings of a ringtail on the marshes between Wouldham and New Hythe.

SPARROWHAWK Accipiter nicus
Formerly rare,now breeds in the area.Sparrowhawks were very rare in the 1960s (pesticides).From about the mid 1970s however,the species started to make a comeback.At first just singles were seen in the non breeding season.Then by the mid 1980s,there were breeding season sightings also and by the 1990s,the bird could almost be described as common.This has continued up to the present day

Formerly very rare,now the most common bird of prey in the area.Singles were present at Upper Halling (just outside the area) from Feb through to April 1984 and at Holborough marsh on May 10th 1988.There has been a dramatic increase in the population of Buzzards in Kent,which has been gathering pace since the beginning of the 1990s.It was first noticed in our area,or I should say just outside,during the winters of 2006 and 2007.When birds wintered along the North Downs and a pair summered there in 2008.At the present time the bird can be described as common,There is hardly a day that goes by without it being seen.It has now spread away from the Downs and is commonly seen in the recording area.A thermal of (8) was seen over the Downs from New Hythe on Feb 8th 2011 and there was (5) over the east scrub on March 23rd 2015.
On September 9th 2017,6 were seen together high above the fields between Snodland and Paddlesworth (not far outside of the recording area.Five together over Sandhole (Leybourne) on March 25th 2018.
March 30th 2021,5 low over my garden at Snodland.
2023 6 together over the river at New Hythe on March 18th,two being local birds.
2024 singles seen  quite regularly in the lakes area. 

Rare winter visitor. .
One was seen just outside the recording area at Halling marsh on Nov 24th 1985.At New Hythe singles were seen on Dec 24th 2010,Oct 28th 2014 and Oct 18th 2015.

OSPREY Pandion haliatus
Rare passage migrant.Singles in the New Hythe/Eccles reservoir area from Sept 13th-Oct 15th 1965.Burham on May 30th 1978 and at New Hythe on July 7th 1987.More recently,singles were seen at New Hythe on April 1st 2009,in April 2011 and either in the spring or autumn of 2014.
2018 Singles at New Hythe on April 29th and flying NW,over my garden in Snodland,at 16:35.on May 7th.
2020 One flew over New Hythe on September 6th.
2021 One flew NW over Snodland on March 27t
2024 One was seen from Bucket wood flying through NW at 11:35).

COMMON KESTRAL Falco tinnunculus
Kestrals were scarce during the 1960s (pesticides).It started to make a comeback in the early 1970s and the numbers increased considerably.Up until the end of the 1990s,they were a common sight (2-4) being seen on any one day,At the present time the feeling is that there has been a slight decline.Has nested in the church tower near Burham marsh.
One was seen on my front garden lawn (nice male) on June 15th 2022.

MERLIN Falco columbarius
Rare winter visitor.
1985 One at Burham marsh during Dec 1985,
1993 Singles at Holborough marsh during Nov and flying into New Hythe from the east on March 22nd 1996.One was seen just outside the area at Wouldham on Nov 14th.
2017 One was reported at New Hythe on the unusual date of July 17th.
2024 a possible was seen from Bucket wood on March 15th (Glenn)

HOBBY Falco subbuteo
Formerly rare,now seen annually (Hobbies are summer visitors to Britain).There are just three records for the 1960s.Singles at Burham on August 27th and Sept 5th 1963 and at Eccles on April 21st 1968.
Towards the latter end of the 1970s,There then began an increase in sightings,which has continued up to the present day.Through most of the 1980s,the sightings were mainly of single birds frequenting the autumn hirundine roosts at either Holborough or Burham marshes.By the mid 1990s,Hobbies had become annual,with sightings throughout the area from their arrival in the spring through to the autumn.One at New Hythe on April 9th 2005,was early.
On September 8th 2017,3 were seen together between Snodland and Paddlesworth (which is not far outside the recording area).
2019 One over Snodland on April 12th.
2022 Four at New Hythe,May 6th and 8th,with one hawking over the East scrub on October 20th.
2023 Up to three frequently seen at New Hythe from April 29th,into May.
2024 Two over the Sunken marsh,with a third from Bucket wood (mid day) April 29th.Three over the East scrub on May 4th.Two over Streamside lake on May 7th.Four hunting low over the west scrub during the evening of June 2nd.One over my garden  with a bird in its talon's on October 2nd.

PEREGRINE Falco peregrinus
Formerly very rare,now seen annually.Along with other birds of prey,Peregrines were severely affected by pesticides during the 1960s.Singles in the Holborough/Burham  marsh area during Oct/Nov 1996 and again in Jan 1998.On June 1st 2000,one was seen over Abbey Meads.In more recent years sightings have become annual.
2023 Two seen from the Bucket wood on February 18th.One on the East Scrub  pylon with a Pigeon on May 15th. 
2024 One flew low over Brookland on February 15th.
One seen on the pylon at the edge of the East scrub on November 16th.
2025 Two on the Pylon in the East scrub on January 8th.

WATER RAIL Rallis aquaticus
Breeding species and winter visitor.Water Rails are heard more often than they are seen.Favoured localities are the marshes and reed beds in the Holborough/Burham and New Hythe area,the Sunken marsh and in the NE corner of Abbey Meads lake.At times of harsh weather,they can be seen feeding along the muddy banks on the Medway.
2024 Heard calling from the Sunken marsh on March 14th. 

SPOTTED CRAKE Porzana porzana
Rare visitor.
Singles at Leybourne on April 8th 1964 and the remains of a dead bird were picked up at Eccles in May 1st 1965.

MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus
Moorhens are common breeding birds in the lakes area and on the marshes.During the winter months,(60) or more have been seen feeding in the wet meadows at both Holborough and Burham marshes and at low tide many feed along the muddy banks of the Medway.

COOT Fulica atra
Common breeding species and winter visitor.As well as nesting in the lakes area,a few pairs now also nest on the marshland dykes at both Holborough and Burham.Peak winter counts - Leybourne (100) in Jan 1967.New Hythe (450) Dec 1974,(735) Jan 1996,(1400) Jan 1997,(530) Jan 2007 and (730) Dec 2012 (815) Dec 2015.845 Dec 2018.
Nov/Dec 2021 and Dec/Jan/Feb 2022,very poor numbers,worst on record.
2023 Numbers gone by the end of January.
2024 only 325 January 7th (New Hythe/Leybourne.
2025 reduced in numbers by February. 

Rare passage migrant.
Singles flew over New Hythe on May 11th 2009 and Nov 2nd 2012.Three birds circled the lakes before drifting off towards the North Downs on May 6th 2008 and (2) flew NW at Snodland on May 3rd 2010 (these last two birds must have overflown the lakes).

AVOCET Recurvirostra avosetta
Rare visitor to inland Kent.
2009 An unusual record was of (8) birds (just outside the area at Halling) on the muddy banks of the Medway on Aug 31st
2018 One on the Medway at Wouldham/Halling on August 25the.

OYSTERCATCHER Haemotopus ostralegus
Formerly rare,now a regular visitor and seen in all months.The first record for the area,was of a single bird at New Hythe on March 26th 1970.Although the 1970s produced a few more records,it wasn`t until the end of that decade that sightings became more regular.The maximum number I have seen was a flock of (21) flying inland along the river at New Hythe on Aug 13th 1985.Many of the records relate to birds either flying NE in the spring or S SW during the autumn.In more recent years (1-2) birds have taken to feeding along the mud banks of the river at New Hythe and have been seen in all months.Also in recent years breeding has occurred at Wouldham,just outside the recording area and on factory roofs in the Brook House area.
2017 Three flew through the lakes area on April 13th.
2018 Four on the river at New Hythe on March 24th and a pair was holding a territory during the summer on a factory roof (Brookland lake area).
2019 Two along the river and in the lakes area,during March.
Four along the river at New Hythe during May 2020.Up to six seen over the lakes area during July 2020.
2020 Six flew over the east scrub at the beginning of May (may have been breeding on nearby factory roofs).
2022 Four along the river on the July 2nd,two of which were young birds
2023 Two along the river at New Hythe on February 10th,with 3 on the 12th,5 on the 23rd.Two on May 24th and 4 on July 4th
2024 Four flew over Brookland lake with another seen along the river on February 15th,
One seen on a flat roof at the Paper Mill (Brooklands) several times during May.
2025 Two along the river at New Hythe on February 1st.

GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaris
Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant.Eleven at Burham marsh on Jan 6th 1965.Singles there on March 4th 1978,Feb 13th and March 6th 1982,Nov 30th 1995,with a flock of (6) on March 3rd 1983.At New Hythe (18) on Dec 29th 1970,with singles on Feb 19th 1984 and Jan 24th 2001.The latter bird flew low over Brookland with Lapwing and had probably come up from Burham marsh.On Feb 17th 1992,(5) were seen on plough at Burham,on the very edge of the recording area.

A lone adult was seen at low tide on the river at New Hythe (from the Bucket Wood) on June 28th 2021.Although seen at long range through bins.The bird looked slim and long legged,photos were taken (possible pacific Plover).

GREY PLOVER Pluvialis aquatarola
Rare visitor to inland Kent.Singles at New Hythe on Aug 6th 1968,Sept 22nd 1971,Feb 13th 1979 and in the Burham/New Hythe area in 1976.There is a more recent record of a summer plumaged bird along the river at New Hythe on May 9th 2010.

LAPWING Vanellus vanellus
Common winter visitor and passage migrant and occasional breeding species.Up until the mid 1980s,Lapwing were a regular nesting species in small numbers.They nested in the lakes area and on the marshes,both at Holborough and Burham.In the lakes complex the maturing of the lakes,lack of grazing in the Sunken marsh and more disturbance from the general public have all had a detrimental affect in recent years.At Holborough marsh here again until quite recently,the lack of grazing helped the decline.At Burham marsh the lower water table of recent times was also a contributor of the decline.Other former nesting areas in the lakes area were the now industrial estate and the east and west scrub.There was some hope towards the end of the 1990s,when the KTNC took control of the management of Holborough marsh.The water table was raised and for a number of years lapwing (1-2) pairs attempted to nest.However I don`t believe any young were raised due to the big increase in predication by Crows.Then I believe in 2011,a piece of land (a former cereal field) on the edge of the marsh was given over to the KTNC.Lapwing have attempted to nest there each year up to the present time.Whether any young have been raised is very doubtful.During the early years at times of passage and during the winter,Lapwing were very numerous.Large flocks were formed on Burham marsh and in the surrounding fields.The following counts were made in 1977 - (500) in Jan/Feb,(2-4) by March,(1-2 pairs) in April/May,(200) in July/Aug.(250) in Oct with (500) in Nov/Dec.The June and July birds are part of  westerly movements which continues into Oct (probably continental birds).Some years there are cold weather movements and many of the birds will leave the area.If however it turns mild again the birds quickly respond and return.The maximum number I recorded at Burham was a flock of (2,400) on Nov 30th 1991.
In the big meadow north of Burham Court (Burham marsh).A pair was seen on May 16th 2017 (one of the birds was sitting).A pair raised four young in the water meadow that borders Marsh road (Halling) in 2017.A pair with at least 2 small chicks in the big meadow north of Burham church (KTNC) reserve on May 10th,2018.
2024 January 1st,20 on along the river from the Bucket wood,with 99 on January 7h.The latter may have been part of a cold weather movement. 
2025 100 along the river from Bucket wood on January 14th. 

LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius
Former breeding species,now rare (extreme dates,March 20th 1976 and Sept 28th 1969).From the early 1960s,through to the mid 1980s,from (1-4) pairs nested annually in the lakes complex.In the 1960s,a pair nested at Castle lake Leybourne.Towards the end of that decade however the lake had matured and become unsuitable for nesting.Fortunately,nearby at New Hythe new gravel excavations were under way and the birds duly moved in.For the next fifteen years or so,up to four pairs were present there as new lakes were dug,or old ones filled,either way this presented the birds with ideal breeding habitat.In more recent times,I saw one adult and three immature birds along the Medway at Holborough in July 2001.In 2002,a pair was seen displaying over new wader diggings (Kidney lake) at New Hythe.This area quickly matured though and became unsuitable.On April 6th 2011and April 10th 2016 singles were seen along the Medway at New Hythe (from the Bucket wood).One bird was seen along the river at Holborough on April 27th 2017.An unusual record of 11,seen just outside the recording area at Wouldham on July 1st 2018 (bred in area).
2019 Two were seen along the river from the Bucket wood on April 22nd,
2020 One was seen on the mud in front of the new housing at Holborough on June 12th.
2021 Two on the river from the Bucket wood,April 8th-9th.
2022 Two along the river from the Bucket wood,first week of April.With up to four seen into the second week.These birds were seen on the gravely spit at low tide.Ideal nesting habitat,when its not covered by a rising tide.Also present during May.Two on June 6th,with three on July 2nd.
2023 One was seen along the river from the Bucket wood on March 11th (earliest recorded date).
Two seen from the Bucket wood on March 23rd,with one on May 24th.
Two from the Bucket wood on May 27th.
One from the Bucket wood July 3rd and 16th. 
2024 3 seen from Bucket wood on March 17th,with on e on the 25th.Two seen from Bucket wood on April 27th.One seen from Bucket wood on Mat 12th.One seen from Bucket wood on July 7th. 

RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula
Uncommon visitor,has nested in the past.During the 1960s,singles were seen at Castle lake,Leybourne from April 26th-30th 1963 and at Eccles on July 31st 1966.Two were seen at Burham on Aug 2nd and 23rd 1969 and in the spring of 1969 (1-2) were seen displaying over a new gravel digging at New Hythe (Brookland lake) and were thought to have bred.Over the next nine years (1-2) were seen annually there.It wasn`t until 1980 however that breeding was proved.In that year two pairs  nested,not at Brooklands but on a newly infilled lake area (now the the east scrub).As well as Ringed Plover,L R Plover,Lapwing and Redshank also nested on the area over the next few years until 1983,when unfortunately the area was bulldozed and drained just as eggs were being laid.This bird is now only rarely seen in the area,with most of the records coming from along the Medway.
2019  Three along the river at Burham on April 10th.

WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus
Irregular passage migrant.During the spring birds pass over N NE and in the autumn S SW.The earliest spring record being April 10th 1981 and the latest in the autumn Oct 9th 1983.The maximum recorded was a flock of (13) flying SW over New Hythe on Aug 4th 1996.
2015  One was seen along the Medway at New Hythe during April.
2019  One was seen at New Hythe on April 22nd
One was seen from the Bucket Wood (New Hythe) on either April 23rd or 24th.
2022 Two flocks seen flying over New Hythe NE,mid April.

CURLEW Numenius arquata
Irregular passage migrant and winter visitor.Many of the records refer to birds on autumn migration passing over SW,during the month of Aug.Two early migrants flew over the area on June 20th 1983 and the latest being Oct 30th when (3) passed low over Abbey Meads.There are only a few spring records.During the winter months,Curlew on rare occasions can be seen feeding on the marshes or along the Medway in our area.Just a mile or so down river in the Halling/Wouldham area.Where at low tide there are larger areas of exposed mud,Curlew and a few other wader species are more commonly seen.

Uncommon passage migrant.
Singles flew over Burham marsh on Feb 6th 1976 and April 14th 1985.On July 17th 1986,(3) were seen there.A flock of (26) flew into New Hythe on April 27th 1982 and on Sept 3rd 2013,(5) were seen along the river at New Hythe.which later flew north.
2017 On July 25th, 2 adults were seen along the river from the Bucket Wood (dozing on the spit).
2020 Three flew down river (N) past the Bucket wood on August 23rd.
2021 One was seen at Burham marsh on March 5th.

BAR-TAILED GODWIT Limosa phaeopus
Rare passage migrant.
A flock of (25) flew SW at Eccles on April 20th 1963.At New Hythe (1) was seen on Jan 12th 1977,with (3) along the river there on May 1st 2011.

TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres
Rare passage migrant to inland Kent.
Singles at Leybourne on April 30th 1962.New Hythe from Aug 6th-10th 1968,May 4th-5th 1971 and Sept 18th 1975.

RUFF Philomachus pugnax
Formerly quite a regular visitor.From the beginning of the 1970s through to the mid 1980 Ruff occurred almost annually between Aug and May.Most of the records came from the marshes at Holborough and Burham,just a few were from the lakes at New Hyyhe.The higher of the counts were (15) in April 1970,up to (35) from Jan 31st-March 19th 1976,(11) in Jan/Feb 1977 and up to (18) in Feb/March 1978.One was seen on the river from the Bucket Wood on July 25th 2015.

DUNLIN Calidris aipina
Formerly a common winter visitor.During the harsh winter of 1963,up to (250) were feeding along the Medway at Holborough.Between 1965 and 1968,in the same area (60) was the maximum recorded.At the beginning of the 1970s,higher numbers began appearing (300-800) which was maintained up until the end of the 1980s,when after a decline set in.During the early to mid 1980s,when water flashes were regular on the marsh at Burham (meadow north of Burham church).Dunlin were attracted at high tide and roosts formed,with at times (400) birds.During the winter of 1991/92,the peak count was down to (150) birds and by the end of that decade,just (1-2) was the norm.Small numbers also occurred around the edges of the lakes at New Hythe.On Jan 10th 1978,a bird in breeding plumage was seen.The birds arrived during Nov/Dec and departed in March.A  more recent record is of one in the New Hythe lakes complex on Feb 25th 2006.
Singles seen on the Medway from the Bucket wood on March 6th 2018,September 5th and 19th 2020.   

LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta
Rare passage migrant.
Singles in the New Hythe lakes complex on Oct 8th-12th 1969 and Sept 21st 1975.

COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos
Annual passage migrant and winter visitor.Common Sandpipers have been recorded in all months of the year.The main spring passage is during May and the autumn passage,when it is at its most numerous from July into Sept.It the past Common Sandpipers were common around the edges of the lakes,especially Abbey Meads.Now that the lakes have matured,most of the sightings now come from along the Medway.During the autumn on a rising tide,the birds are pushed of the mud.At these times I have seen flocks of up to (17) flying down the river towards Halling and a presumed roost.In 2012 one such roost was located at Holborough,which held (21) birds.Now that the new river crossing is being constructed at Holborough (2014/15),which goes across to Burham.It remains to see if the roost will be used in future years.During the winter (1-2) are regularly seen along the Medway.
2022 One along the Medway at New Hythe on June 15th (very unusual date.
2023 One seen from the Bucket wood on May 27th.Five on July 16th.
2024 one along the river at New Hythe on January 1st.Two seen from Bucket wood on April 27th.
Singles seen from Bucket wood on June 21st and July 20th.Eight seen from Bucket wood on August 2nd.Two along the river from Bucket wood on September 12th,singles during November.

GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus
Annual visitor,most common during the autumn,slight decline in recent years.During the early years up to (12) on any one day during the autumn could be seen along the river at New Hythe,especially in the Eccles creek area.In recent years it is normal to see no more than (1-2).Wintering birds stay around until mid March but generally Green Sandpipers are scarce during the spring,being rare in May and June.Now that the lakes have matured,the majority of the sightings come from the river.One was seen along the Mill stream in Feb 2015.
2020 One was seen on a big field pond at Birling (not far outside of the area) on July 1st 2020.With
three seen from the Bucket wood (river at New Hythe) on September 7th,with five on the 24th.
2023 One seen along the river at New Hythe from January 3rd,into February.
One from the Bucket wood,July 3rd,September 13th and November 7th.
2024 One along the river at New Hythe on January 1st.One seen from Bucket wood on August 2nd,with 2 on December 3rd.
2025 one seen from Bucket wood on January 14th,with two on February 17th.

.WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola
Rare passage migrant to inland Kent.
Singles at Burham on July 31st 1965 and from Aug 9th-14th 1969.One was seen at New Hythe on June 11th 1976,with (3) on Aug 8th 1977.

SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus
Rare passage migrant and winter visitor.
Singles at Burham on Sept 4th 1964 and Aug 16th 1975.At New Hythe on March 25th 1973,Nov 21st 1979 and from Jan 31st-Feb 1st 1976.At Leybourne on Aug 16th 1964 and Eccles on Aug 14th 1968.There was (4) at Burham on Sept 10th 1967,with (2) at New Hythe on Jan 20th 1985.

GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia
Uncommon passage migrant and rare winter visitor.
My first record of this bird in the area was at Castle lake Leybourne on July 5th 1963.Over the years,singles,sometimes two together have been seen during the months of July/Aug and Sept.In the past most of the records came from the lakes complex at New Hythe,but in more recent years from the river.Greenshank are uncommon during the spring and rare during the winter.Singles were seen in the lakes complex at New Hythe during Feb 1986 and Feb 2006.Two on the Medway at New Hythe on May 1st 2011 and July 6th 2016.
2019 Two along the river from the Bucket wood on April 21st.
2020 One along the river at New Hythe,which later flew off north,on May 20th.
2022 Two on the river from the Bucket wood,April 18th,with four a few days later (record number).
2023 One seen from the Bucket wood on May 27th.
2025 one on the river from Bucket wood on January 19th,later flew north.Seen again several times at the beginning of February. 

COMMON REDSHANK Tringa totanus
Formerly a regular breeding species,present in all months.Up until 1991,when one pair nested on Holborough marsh.Redshank bred annually either on the marsh at Holborough or in the lakes complex at New Hythe,but always in small numbers.In 1976,two pairs raised young at Abbey Meads lake and from 1979-1983,(1-2) pairs nested in the Sunken marsh (back then the marsh was grazed by cattle).Also during this period winter numbers were much higher than now,which is usually just (1-2).There was a maximum count of (100) on Burham marsh in Jan 1982.In 1996,KTNC took control of the management of Holborough marsh.Water levels were raised and in 1998/99 two pairs nested,but sadly this was not to be repeated.
2023 One along the river at New Hythe on January 1st and November 7th.
Three seen fro the Bucket wood on November 18th.
2024 4 along the river on January 18th (from the Bucket wood),with 7 on November 18th.
2025 From one to two seen along the river at New Hythe during January and February.

JACK SNIPE Lymnocryptes minimus
Winter visitor and passage migrant in small numbers,recorded from Oct-March.The majority of the records come from marshes at Holborough and Burham.From where the birds have either been flushed from wet areas on the marshes,or from within the reed beds.The maximum seen was (6) flushed from a reed bed at Holborough on Nov 27th 1983.Occasionally birds are seen in the lakes complex,as was a single bird at New Hythe in Jan and Feb 2006.
2018 One was seen along the river from the Bucket wood,on the unusual date on April 21st.

COMMON SNIPE Gallinago gallinago
Winter visitor and passage migrant,which has declined over the years.Up until the late 1980s,peak winter counts of (300-400) from the Medway and marshes at Burham were quite regular.In recent years,Snipe have become far less numerous.Snipe are usually seen from Aug,through to April,they are rare in other months.I have only suspected Snipe of breeding twice.Once at Holborough in the late 1960s and again there in June 1988,when I watched a bird drumming.In the lakes complex,Snipe are far less common,Snipe have declined all over their range not just in our area.Snipe ringed at Burham have been recovered in USSR (2) Finland (1) and Netherlands (1).
During mid-January 2019,heavy snow fell across large areas of Europe.At the same time along the Medway at New Hythe.Snipe were seen to be more numerous,than of late,I saw a flock of circa 40 and another flock of circa 50,was reported.
2024 10 seen along the river on January 17th,from the Bucket wood (freezing).

WOODCOCK Scolopax rusticola
Winter visitor.Most years from (1-2) are flushed from damp scrubby places,throughout the recording area.The west scrub has held birds in recent years.
One was seen on Reeds Island Site on June 14th 1980.Due to the unusual date it may have been nesting.
2023 One was flying around the Bucket wood just after mid day on February 4th.
2024 Two flushed by a dog walker in the East scrub towards the end of November.

ARCTIC SKUA Stercorarius parasiticus
Very rare visitor to inland Kent.
1979 One was seen at Abbey Meads on Jan 13th.

LITTLE TERN Sterna albifrons
Rare passage migrant.Singles at New Hythe on May 4th and 13th 1970 and July 12th 1990.At Wouldham,not far outside the area one was seen on May 18th 2008.

BLACK TERN Chlidonias niger
Irregular passage migrant,sightings have declined in recent years.The earliest spring record was April 11th 1979 and the latest May 25th when (5) were present.The maximum seen together at this time of the year was (12) on May 4th 1970.During the autumn passage which has been noted from Aug 10th-Oct 20th.The bird is more common with peak numbers occurring during Aug.The maximum count being (21) on Aug 17th 1980.Favoured lakes are Abbey Meads Allders and Brook House.

WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN Chlidonias leucopterus
Very rare passage migrant.
1965 One was seen at Leybourne on Sept 29th.

SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis
Uncommon passage migrant.At New Hythe (4) were seen on Aug 23rd 1968,(2) on Sept 15th 1982,(1) over S on Sept 26th 1986,(3) NE on March 19th 1987,(5) S over Abbey Meads on June 26th 1999 and (1) there on April 26th 2003.Two flew south along the river at Holborough on September 7th 2004.
2020 One was seen along the river at New Hythe on September 19th.
2024 5 on Tesco lake 08:45,didn`t stay around long. 

COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo
Common Terns were up until around 2010 recorded annually in the lakes complex,with 2-4 summering.I have no proof of breeding. It passes through NE in the spring and S SW in the autumn.The spring passage is from late April into May.During the autumn it is more numerous,with flocks of up to (30) being seen in some years.October records are quite usual and a bird at Leybourne (Allders lake) from Oct-Nov 26th,was thought to have been this species,rather than an Arctic tern.
2020 Just two records,one sighting of a single bird during the spring and one at Abbey Meads on July 25th.
2021 Common/Arctic - 5 flew SW over the small Tesco lake at 17:30 on May 3rd 2021.
2022 One (Road Island lake) May 14th two 15th,both still present at the end of the month.Two again on June 19th.
2023 one on the Road Island lake May 21st-22nd.
2024 No sightings.

ROSEATE TERN Sterna dougalli
Very rare passage migrant.
One flew off from the Brook House area NE on May 4th 1970.

ARCTIC TERN Sterna paradisaea
Uncommon passage migrant.
May have been overlooked through the years.Singles at Burham during May 1981,Leybourne from Sept 3rd-5th 1983 and at Abbey Meads one autumn in the early 1980s
2024 4 flew N over Brookland lake at 11:15 on April 23rd (cold N wind).

KITTIWAKE Risse tridactyia
Very rare visitor to inland Kent.
1965 Single at Leybourne on Dec 29th.
1999 Singles at New Hythe on Jan 2nd and March 5th.

BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ridibundus
The most numerous gull in the area,present in all months,no breeding records.A bird found dead at New Hythe on the 12 10 1988,had been ringed as an adult at Parnu Estoniya.on the 14 04 88.

LITTLE GULL Larus minutus
Uncommon visitor.Singles at Leybourne on Oct 4th 1966,Nov5th 1980 and Oct 3rd 1982.At New Hythe singles were seen on Aug 23rd 1968.May 6th 1980,during May 1999, March 8th and April 8th 2001 and during May 2016.Three were seen on April 10th 1979.(2) from April 8th-9th 1993,(3) during April 1988,(6) on Dec 24th 2000,(2) on April 18th 2004,(4) on March 26th 2011,(2) on April 14th 2013,with (1) on the 26th.
2018  adult (still in winter plumage) on Tesco lake from March 23rd - 26th?.

MEDITERRANEAN GULL Larus melanocephalus
Formerly very rare,now seen annually and in increasing numbers.An adult seen at Brookland lake on Oct 8th 1969,was the first inland record for Kent.This species has been an annual visitor since about 2005,Numbers and sightings continue to increase,especially during the spring.In 2015,(2) flew over New Hythe on March 22nd and on April 20th,a nice flock of (4) adults flew over.In May 201 2,there was a nest count of (597) in the main colony in North Kent.Fourteen at New Hythe on June 3rd 2017.
Two adults seen regularly over the fields between Snodland and Paddlesworth,during June (mid month) 2019.Circa 50,feeding over a Hay Field (not far outside of the area) on June 1st 2020 (mainly adult birds).One bird had a French colour ring.I believe 2020,to be  the first year birds have been seen in our area during June and July.
At least 25 adults and two imm,hawking for insects over the lakes on June 15th 2022.
Up to 80 adults comming and going (spit) on the Medway from the Bucket wood on June 18th 2022.
One from the Bucket wood,October 28th 2022.
2023 2 seen on Brookland lake on February 10th.More regular from the beginning of April.
Good numbers over Tesco lake on June 11th,with at least 10 hawking over my garden later during the  afternoon.One adult on Tesco lake on November 21st.
2024 One adult on Alders lake February 7th.Two adults on Abbey Meads February 25th.
March 23rd 8 adults on Abbey Meads.Eight flew into the lakes area at 08:00 on March 26th and at 09:00 several flew over my garden at Snodland.April 21st 40  50 passed over New Hythe NW (failed breeders ?).One adult on Tesco lake December 31st.
2025 One ad seen from Bucket wood on February 20th,with three more passing over. 

COMMON GULL Larus canus
Recorded in all months of the year,though scarce from May to July.Most years there is a noticeable spring passage through the area during March and April.In Dec 1970,(150) were feeding on the former Ham Hill rubbish tip.
At least 100 adults feeding in the stubble fields at the foot of the Downs at Birling Jan/Feb 2022/23.
2023 300 adults feeding in freshly turned fields at the foot of the Downs on February 20th.Small numbers seen around the lakes during November.
2025 from 1-3 seen regularly in the lakes area during January and February.

Along with the Herring Gull this species has been nesting on the roofs of factory buildings on the very edge of the recording area at New Hythe.since about the mid 1990s.During the winter it is rather scarce and most of the birds seen are of the darker backed Scandinavian race.On Oct 20th 1969,(150) were feeding on the former Ham Hill rubbish dump.Most springs there is a noticeable passage of the greyer backed British form through the area.Breeding birds start to return during March.
2023 first returning birds from March 2nd.
2024 One on Alders lake February 7th.Common by March 7th.Breeding again on nearby ware houses. 

Regular visitor in small numbers,recorded in all months.This gull is more likely to be seen between Nov and March,Most of the records now come from the Medway.Unlike the other gulls,it is not often seen on the lakes.During Dec 1970,(400) were feeding on the former Ham Hill rubbish dump.
Two adults on the river at New Hythe on March 26th 2018,.
Up to ten along the river at New Hyhe during March 2019 (adults).
singles along the river (adults) May 2020.
Two adult May 2nd 2022.
2025 two adults along the river from Bucket wood on January 14th.

HERRING GULL Larus argentatus
Common seen in all months.Since about the mid 1990s this gull has been breeding on the roofs of factory buildings on the very edge of the recording area at New Hythe.Up until about the mid 1980s,during the winter months.Hundreds passed over the area SW,along with other gull species,Black headed,Common,Lesser Black backed and Great Black backed to feed on rubbish dumps further inland.On their way back during the late afternoons many would stop,at the lakes to bath and preen.
Up to one hundred and fifty,feeding along the Medway at New Hythe (low tide) during September 2020.
A nest in the stump of a willow,in the middle of the Road Island lake May 2022,small young were seen on June 21st.
2024 Breeding again on nearby ware housing roofs.

YELLOW LEGGED GULL Larus michahellis
Rare visitor,may have been overlooked in recent years.
2022 One was seen flying over the East scrub on August 6th and another or the same bird was seen on the Streamside lake on the 10th.

ICELAND GULL Larus glaucoides glaucoides
Rare winter visitor.
1991 A second year bird was seen on Tesco lake on Feb 17th-19th.

GLAUCOUS GULL Larus hyperboreus
Rare winter visitor
1970 One at the former Ham Hill rubbish dump on Jan 8th.
1985 One at New Hythe on Feb 16th.
1986 One at New Hythe on March 2nd 1986.All the birds were immature.

STOCK DOVE Columba oenar
Breeding species,which has declined over the years.During the 1970s and 1980s,counts of (50) or more during the non breeding season were not uncommon on Burham marsh.Small numbers can still be seen there and it also still occurs on Holborough marsh and occasionally in the lakes complex,but the numbers are now much smaller.Regularly nests in the Eccles island/Reed island site area,but this dove nests more commonly in the chalk quarries along the North Downs.
A large flock of 300,was present on newly sown cereal fields just outside the area between Snodland and Paddlesworth during April 2017.
2022 270 flew west at New Hythe on December 2nd.
2024 noticeable in 1-2 all over the lakes area in July/August.
2025 Twenty flew west through the lakes on January 8th.

WOOD PIGEON Columba palumbus
Common breeding species and winter visitor.At Burham marsh and on the surrounding farmland it is numerous.Flock of (500) or more being present during the winter.Flocks of (100) in May,(150) in June and (200) in July are also frequently seen there.Common breeding bird in the lakes complex.Some winters if the conditions are harsh.Wood Pigeons undertake cold weather movements S/SW.
Now seen every day in the garden,sometimes nests. 

COLLARED DOVE Streptopelia palumbus
Formerly scarce,now a resident numerous breeding species.During the 1960s,the bird was only just becoming established in the area.Between 1965 and 1968,in the Burham/Eccles area.It was only recorded in the months of April,May,Oct,Nov and Dec.The maximum number recorded being just (5) in Oct 1967 and there was no breeding records.The 1970s saw a big increase in records and numbers,with regular breeding at a number of locations in the recording area.At Burham  marsh (Court farm) by 1976,it had been seen in all months and there was a count there of (80) in May of that year.At the present time it is very common bird,nesting all over the recording area.In my garden at Snodland,it nested for the first time in 1995.

TURTLE DOVE Streptopalia turtur
Breeding summer visitor,which has declined drastically.An early bird was seen at Abbey Meads on April 10th 2007.This bird is not usually seen in any numbers until May.In the spring of 1984,unusually big numbers were present at Burham Court farm (Burham marsh).On May 10th (150) were present,with (65) on the 26th.The birds were feeding around cattle feeding stations (which are no longer there).On the marshes and in the lakes complex it nests in hawthorn trees.Five pairs were located on Holborough marsh in 1997,with (4) in 2001.The decline started gathering pace around fifteen or more years ago.In 2013 2014 only single birds were seen,(2) in 2015 at New Hythe (Sunken marsh) and I only saw (1) bird at Holborough marsh in 2014.Singles seen in the Sunken marsh area and along the Mill stream in July 2016 (same bird ?).Only one bird was seen in 2017 (Sunken marsh).No records for 2019 2020 and 2021.
2022 One purring on wires above the Sunken marsh on May 15th.
2023 No sightings.
2024 No sightings.

RING-NECKED PARAKEET Psittacula krameri
Uncommon visitor.
Two flew SW over Tesco lake on March 30th 2015 and (20+ flew through New Hythe on November 29th 2016.Just outside the recording area on July 19th 2016,fifteen flew north over Snodland.
I saw 10 mobbing a Common Buzzard over the Downs above Birling,on October 26th 2020.
2023 One calling in trees by the water works entrance on April 5th.November 12th,one flock of five and the other twenty five (New Hythe,flying over). 
2024 small flock seen in the Country Park on November 10th. 

CUCKOO Cuculus canorus
Annual summer visitor.Singles at New Hythe on April 3rd 2004 and April 6th 2015,were early.It is not usually heard until the third week of that month.Cuckoo numbers have fluctuated over the years.In the Sunken marsh at New Hythe,a favoured area,(3) were seen in June 1980,with (5) on June 3rd 1983.At the present time this is still the most reliable place to see the bird at New Hythe,where its host bird is the Reed Warbler.Another reliable locality is Holborough marsh.(2-4) birds.
2022 Two singles calling,one in the Sunken marsh and the other on the Burham side on the river,May 15th 
2023 First see May 7th (Sunken marsh) Female in Sunken marsh on June 3rd,with a male on the 5th.One was heard calling in the Country Park on June 24th (rather late I thought to hear one).
2024 One heard on the former Ham Hill golf course on April 25th,but not since.One in the Sunken marsh (late) on May 7th.One heard in the Park on June 4th.

BARN OWL Tyto alba
Uncommon,has nested in area.
Singles along the river wall at Burham on Dec 31st 1966 and again in the first quarter of 1967,are the only records for that decade.There was then no more records until the 1980s.When singles were seen at New Hythe,on June 28th 1980,in Dec 1982 and Nov 1984.At Burham marsh singles were again seen there during 1984/5 and 1987.During the 1990s,singles were seen at Holborough marsh during the autumn of 1991 and on various dates in 1995/96.
One was seen on the former Ham Hill Golf Course (very sdge of the recording area) on numerous dates during 2019.
2020 Singles seen in the Sunken marsh/Burham marsh area and at Holborough marsh on November 6th (same bird?).
2022  One was seen at Holborough marsh on October 31st.
2023 One was seen on Holborough marsh during November. 

LITTLE OWL Athene nocyua
Resident.This Owl was rather scarce in the 1960s (pesticides).Since the 1980s,a pair has regularly nested in the church tower close to Burham marsh.Over the years the odd bird has been seen throughout the recording area.

TAWNY OWL Strix aluco
Resident,Over the years the odd bird has been heard and seen in the Eccles/Reed island Site area.During the winter of 1982/83,(2) birds were seen hunting in the grounds of Reed International,(now a housing development),which is on the very edge of the area at New Hythe.A bird was seen at Holborough marsh during the autumn of 1999.One was found dead at Abbey Meads (around 2005) and one was seen and heard there during June 2016 (N/W (corner).Another or the same bird was seen on July 17th 2016.The above bird was seen again in December 2018 into January 2019 (Abbey Mead).
One was heard calling at Abbey Meads during May 2020,with two on August 25th.
Pair seen again at Abbey Meads,August 2022.
2023 One was heard calling from tall trees on the edge of Eccles reservoir on April 17th. 
One calling from the Oak in the NW corner of Abbey Meads on October 20th (10:30). 
2024,seen in the Oak NW corner of Abbey Meads April 21st,seen again on May 2nd.
Three young seen at the southern end of Abbey Meads being fed by a parent on May 27th.

Occasional winter visitor.Between 1986 and 1997,up to (9) birds had their winter roost in hawthorns along one side of the Sunken marsh at New Hythe.One bird was seen there in the winter of 2000/01.A pair may have nested in 1998.A bird ringed away from the roost site at New Hythe on the 30 01 87,was found dead (road casualty) at Winchester,Hampshire on 23 03 88.Large numbers of Scandinavian birds cross the North sea in the autumn to argument the British breeding population during the winter months.British birds are far less mobile,although there are post fledging movements of up to 340km within the British Isles.
2024 A bird flushed from a Hawthorn in the East scrub during November,may have been this species.

SHORT-EARED OWL Asio flammeus
Formerly a regular winter visitor.There was only one record during the 1960s.A single bird at Burham marsh on Jan 25th 1966.The beginning of the 1970s,saw a big increase in records.Singles were seen at New Hythe on April 17th 1971,and at Burham marsh on Dec 29th 1974.During Jan/Feb and March and April 1979,(4) were present in the Burham/New Hythe (Sunken marsh) area.The species was then seen in varying numbers through to the beginning of the 1990s,after which records declined.One was seen from the Bucket Wood flying over Burham marsh and the Sunken marsh on April 2nd 2016.
Not far outside the area at Birling.One was put up from a rape Stubble field at the foot of the Downs,on the unusual date of August 9th 2020 (09:00).

NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus europaeus
One was watched displaying on the edge of St Peters Pit Burham (on the edge of the recording area) in May 1968.One was reported by a fisherman in the lakes area during September 2020.

Summer visitor and passage migrant,which has declined over the years.Extreme dates are April 2nd 1962 and Sept 24th 1981.The first birds of spring are usually seen in the first few days of May.On overcast days during the spring and summer (100s) have at times been seen feeding over the lakes.
1991 (500) over Abbey Meads in May.
2022 Late arriving,I saw my first bird on May 13th.
2024 singles seen at New Hythe on April the 20th and 27th.

Very rare visitor.
2010 One was seen over Castle lake Leybourne on March 27th.
2023 one over the Brook House/Road Island lake March 22nd-26th.It roosted on one of the houses which edge the southern part of the lakes.When the influx occurred the wind was SW.and during its stay.On the morning of the 26th,when it left it had turned north.
A week later Alpine Swifts were still being seen.  . 

Breeding species.Numbers were very low for a few years after the very harsh winter of 1962/63.A few pairs breed annually in the lakes complex.The maximum number I have seen was (5) during a visit to New Hythe on Dec 13th 1981.It is also seen on the marshes,though mainly in the non breeding season.Although in recent years birds have been seen at Holborough in June and July.It also frequents the Medway throughout the year.
A pair bred at Abbey Meads in 2020.
2023 Breeding pair in the Abbey Meads lake area.
2025 seen regularly in the lakes area and along the river.

HOOPOE Upupa epops
Rare visitor.
Singles at Leybourne on July 30th-31st 1979,Abbey Meads lake on May 19th 1980 and in the Sunken marsh area on April 19th 2011.Close to the recording area at Sand Hole,Snodland.One was present from Nov 2013,until at least April 20th 2014.

WRYNECK Jynx torqilla
Former breeding species,now a rare passage migrant.During the 1960s,there was still a small breeding population in the Aylesford/Eccles/old factory area.In 1965,a possible (3) pairs were present and in 1966 and 1967,(2) pairs nested successfully.One pair used a nesting box in a garden at Aylesford.In 1968,singles were recorded between March 28th-June 30th,but there was no proof of breeding.A single bird at Aylesford on Sept 19th 1969,was the only record for that year.Single migrants were seen at New Hythe in the autumn of 1976,on Sept 5th 1981,during the first week of May 1986,April 27th 1989 and Oct 2nd 2012.The last bird was found in the east scrub.

Resident,which has become more numerous over the years.This species was in very low numbers for a few years after the very harsh winter of 1962/63.Green Woodpeckers have bred regularly over the years at Castle lake,on the marshes,Eccles island and in the Eccles/old factory area.It became a regular breeding bird in the lakes complex at New Hythe,towards the end of the 1980s and it is possible now to see up to (6) or more on any one visit.In the summer of 1998,(2) pairs bred on Holborough marsh.Like the Great Spot,they make their nesting holes in the large mature Crack Willows.

Resident.Great Spotted Woodpeckers have bred regularly over the years at Castle lake,on the marshes,Eccles island and in the Eccles/old factory area.It became a regular nesting species at New Hythe at much the same time as the Green.

Former breeding species.From the 1960s,through to the beginning of the 1990s.Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers were known to have nested at Castle lake Leybourne and on Eccles island.During the 1980s,the odd bird was also seen in the New Hythe lakes complex and in 1990,a pair possibly nested in Crack Willows in the Brook House area.It is possible it may still nest occasionally at Castle lake and in the Eccles island/Reed island Site) area.In recent years these areas have been under watched.

GOLDEN ORIOLE Oriolus oriolus
Very rare visitor.
A male was heard and seen on Eccles island on May 5th 1987.

RED-BACKED SHRIKE Lanius collurio
Now almost extinct as a British breeding bird.
A nest with four eggs was found at Eccles on June 27th 1965.The nest was later robbed and the birds left the area.

GREAT GREY SHRIKE Lanius sccubbitor
Formerly quite a regular winter visitor and passage migrant.Singles in the Burham/Eccles area during Jan,Oct and Nov 1965,Feb,March and Oct 1967,Oct 27th 1968 and March 26th 1977.At New Hythe on Nov 17th1973,April 8th 1975,from Dec 1987,until March 27th 1988,from Oct 1988 until April 13th 1989 and March 11th 1990,with (2) there on March 4th 1989.More recently (1) was seen in the Sunken marsh on Dec 18th 2011.

MAGPIE Pica pica
Resident.Magpies have become much more numerous over the years.In the recording area they are common and loose flocks of up to (10) are regularly seen,especially on the marshes.

JAY Garrulus glandarius
Breeding species.On a numbers of occasions over the years,small flocks have been seen roaming over the area during the autumn.However during the autumn of 1993,a much bigger movement was witnessed .On Oct the 2nd,a flock of (40) flew into the Oaks on Eccles island and only after staying a short while flew off NW.On the same day (24) flew NW over Halling.Over the next few days more birds were seen passing over,all heading NW,At the same time larger flock were seen on the Kent coast.It is likely that these birds were of continental origin.
2023 numerous in the New Hythe lakes area. 

JACKDAW Corvus monedula
Resident.Jackdaws breed in good numbers in the chalk quarries along the North Downs.A few pairs also breed in the recording area.Flocks of (60) or more have been seen feeding in the Burham marsh area.These birds roost somewhere in the Leybourne area and at times overfly the lakes complex.
Four hundred flew east over my garden at dusk on November 5th 2020 (see Rook below).

ROOK Corvus frugilegus
Many of the Rookeries I knew in the 1960s,have now all gone.Rooks are generally scarce in the lakes complex.Small numbers seen occasionally passing over the area is the norm.During Sept 2014,on a number of mornings just after dawn.I saw a mixed flock of Rooks and Jackdaws overflying the east scrub from the direction of the river and a presumed roost.The flock contained at least (60) Rooks and (40) Jackdaws.This dawn flight contained circa 200 Jackdaws and 60 Rooks during winter 2020.
Above flights noticed again in Sept/Oct 2022.

CARRION CROW Corvus corone corone
Resident and winter visitor,which has increased markedly over the years.Carrion Crows are common throughout the recording area.The largest flock I have seen in the area,was a flock of (150) feeding on recently flooded fields on Holborough marsh in the autumn of 1997.

HOODED CROW Corvus corone cornix
Now a scarce Kentish winter visitor.
During the 1960s,singles were seen at Burham in 1962 and Snodland on Nov 22nd 1963.Between 1965 and 1970,Hooded Crows were present each winter in the Burham/marsh/Eccles and New Hythe area.On many occasions the birds were seen feeding along the Medway at low tide.There was a maximum of (4) in 1966.
2024 One was seen near the the river from Bucket wood (month?).
RAVEN Corvus corax
Since 2009,Ravens have been recorded almost annually in the area (breeds just outside of the area)
2021 four flew west over Snodland on February 20th.
2022,two seen from the Bucket wood on January 9th and one flew east over Brookland lake on November 7th.
2023 One flew over the Bucket wood on February 3rd.Two seen across the Downs from the Bucket wood on April 9th,with one on August 1st.
2024 2 seen from the Bucket wood on January 7th.
2025,two seen on pylons from Bucket wood on January 10th.

GOLDCREST Regulus regulus
During the month of Oct,falls may occur.Some of these birds will stay on and winter in the area.A few of our British resident birds breed in large gardens with conifers on the edge of the area.A bird found dead at Burham on 28 11 85,was ringed as a young male (3) at Pontesbury,Shropshire on 18 08 85.Many English breeding birds are sedentary,although some move to the near continent for the winter.Northern and central European birds pass through in the autumn,with some staying to winter.During the summer of 2016,several were heard in the New Hythe area and a young bird was seen in the Brook House area on July 8th.A juvenile (3j) was ringed in the west scrub on July 30th 2016.

FIRECREST Regulus ignicapillus
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor,which has probably been overlooked over the years.Singles at Eccles on March 19th 1967 (singing).At New Hythe from March 29th-30th 1979,Feb 16th 1984,during Jan 1997 and during Dec 2002.There was (2) there during winter 1998/99.At Holborough marsh (1) was seen in Dec 1996.There are a number of more recent undated records of birds seen at New Hythe.During December 2015,two were present in the New Hythe area (seen in the Brooklands car park and along the Mill stream) and at least one was still present into the new year.One was seen on February 17th 2018 (northen end of the Streamside lake).
2022 October 28th two along the northern edge of Brookland lake and a single in the Bucket wood.The week before the wind had been from the S/SW and mild.Singles seen Brookland on the 31st and at Abbey Meads on November 13th.Two seen again along the north bank of Brookland lake November 25th. 
2023 January 22nd,two,one by the bridge up from the treatment works entrance and the other at the southern end of Abbey Meads.One seen in the SW corner of Abbey Meads on February 18th.One singing along the west bank of Abbey Meads on April 3rd. 
Singles seen in the Bucket wood on November 20th,Lunsford lane and Neville Park on November 27th.
2024 one in the Country Park on the 1st.One singing in the wood near the rangers office from June 23rd  27th (first summer record).Juvenile seen in the small wood (East scrub) on July 8th.Several seen along the Mill stream towards the end of December.
2025 several seen along the Mill stream at the beginning of January.Another two in Lunsford lane near the cafe entrance on January 5th (must be at least 10 in the lakes area).One seen in the SE corner of Abbey Meads on February 9th.

PENDULINE TIT Remiz pendulinus
Very rare visitor.
One was seen in the north east corner of Abbey Meads and Sunken marsh from,March 14th-17th 1997.

BLUE TIT Parus caeruleus
Common and widespread breeding species,with no noticeable change in status over the years Although as a garden bird,it is far less numerous than formerly.At least that is,in my garden at Snodland.One ringed at Burham marsh on 13 01 1979 as a (5),was found dead at Tonbridge,Kent 20km SW on 05 04 79.

GREAT TIT Parus major
Common and widespread resident,with no noticeable change in status.
It has to be said though,in my garden it is now seen far less often than formerly..

COAL TIT Parus ater
This is a scarce bird in the recording area.The only reliable location where I know this bird can sometimes be found.Is in the large gardens, which border onto the Motor way lake.Two were seen at Abbey Meads in 1985 and one flew across the Sunken marsh on Sept 20th 2010.
2021  One seen near the rangers office during March .
2024  One seen at the Motorway lake on November 2nd. 
2025 As above,January/February. 

WILLOW TIT Parus montanus
Former resident in small numbers,which was present at Castle lake in the 1960s and 1970s.In the 1980s,I trapped several on the Reed island Site and in 1986,(2) were seen at Abbey Meads
One ringed on Reed lsland Site (just across the Medway from Abbey Meads lake) on the 29 06 1980,as a (3J) juvenile,was controlled at Chatham,Kent 6km north on 16 10 80.English Willow Tits are highly sedentary,many being found no further than 5km from the place of ringing.The fewer longer movements of up to 20km and one of 167km,may well represent post-juvenile fledging dispersal.
A bird ringed outside the area at Boughton,Maidstone on 25 05 88 (4f) was re-trapped there on 01 03 91.
1990s A decline set in.
2003 (K B R) the species is just hanging on in the county.
2005 just hanging on.
2008 no records.

MARSH TIT Parus palustris
Resident which has declined drastically over the years.Small numbers were present at Castle lake in the 1960s and 1970s.
One was seen at New Hythe in July 2017.
One was reported as seen at New Hythe on February 20th 2021.

BEARDED TIT Panurus biarmicus
Winter visitor since 1965.Up until about 1970,about (20) birds were wintering in the area,but after a run of mild winters numbers grew to around (60).There was then a fall in numbers again to around (20) during the mid 1980s and sadly the decline continued into the 1990s and beyond with no records at all in some years.This fall in numbers was not just local,but throughout Kent.However over the past five years Bearded Tits have again become regular visitors,but the numbers are small,probably under (15).Four were seen at Holborough marsh on March 30th 2015,which had overwintered there.In the summer of 1981,one pair raised young at Burham marsh.The birds arrive during Oct and stay around until March.They winter in the large reed beds at Holborough and Burham.In some years especially during the 1980s,they can also be found in the smaller reed beds in the Sunken marsh/Abbey Meads area.The male of the pair found breeding at Burham had been ringed as a (3) on 27 07 1980 at Tichfield Haven Hampshire.Birds ringed elsewhere and controlled at either Hoborough or Burham.Minsmere,Walberswick,Fordwich,Stodmarsh,Pitsea,Dungeness and Grain.Birds ringed at either Holborough or Burham were controlled at Heligoland Germany,Murston,Kent,Stodmarsh Kent and Sturry Kent.
Sightings of Bearded Tits in the New Hythe area have been rather scarce in recent years.However a pair was seen in the dyke that runs around the Sunken marsh on October 29th 2015.
2025 One flew across the river (seen from Bucket wood on January 25th,

SKYLARK Alauda avensis
Resident,passage migrant and winter visitor,which has declined drastically since the 1980s.Before the decline Skylarks bred in very good numbers in the fields that border onto Burham marsh and in smaller numbers on the marshes and in the New Hythe lakes complex.The last (1-2) pairs to nest in the lakes complex was in 2000.This was on the grassy banks of Tesco lake,now overrun with dog walkers.In more recent years,autumn passage movements and cold weather movements,although they still occur.The numbers are much smaller than formerly.The last big movement I recorded was in the cold weather of 1977.When in one hour of watching (2,500) passed over NW.

SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia
Formerly a common breeding species and passage migrant,which has declined over the years.One at New Hythe on March 2nd 1998,was early and two there on Oct 23rd 1981,late.The main spring influx is in the second week of April,when they can be seen,more so in the past,in their hundreds over the lakes,The population of Sand Martins declined markedly from 1969-1973.with further declines in 1984 and 1985.This was attributed to drought conditions in the Sahel region of Africa.There were two large nesting colonies on the edge of the recording area at this time,one at Snodland and the other at Aylesford.These along with many others throughout Kent no longer exist.In the 1970s,there was a small colony along the southern bank of Abbey Meads lake.In the past during the autumn and to a lesser degree in the spring,roosts were formed in the reed beds at either Holborough or Burham.The autumn roosts were estimated to hold up to (7,000) birds between 1963 and up to the beginning of the 1990s,where after they declined.Present day roosts are much smaller,Birds ringed elsewhere and controlled in the autumn roost.Beligum Sweden Berks Hants Leics Norfolk Oxford Salop Suffolk Surrey Sussex Yorks  and from eleswhere in Kent.Birds that were ringed in the roosts and controlled in Hants Sussex Notts Norfolk Wales France Scotland Hereford Shropshire Spain Senegal and esleswhere in Kent.
Very scarce during March 2019,my first sighting was of five at Alders lake on the 31st
2024 One feeding over Brookland lake with a House Martin on March 3rd.
March 25th,5 seen over Tesco lake.With northerly winds for about a week in mid April 100s were seen feeding over the lakes.

SWALLOW Hirundo rustica
Common summer visitor and passage migrant,which has declined over the years.One at Brookland lake on April 3rd 2004 was early and (2) at Leybourne on Nov 14th 1962 late.The main spring arrival is usually fro about April 20th onward.At these times especially in the past,hundreds congregate over the lakes.At the present time a count of (100) would be considered good.Alders lake is a good spot to look out for the first hirundines of spring.Autumn roosts in the past contained thousands of birds,(10,000) at Burham in 1964,but by the late 1980s they had declined,to hundreds rather than thousands.Some of the recent autumn roosts have contained well under one hundred birds.Birds controlled at the autumn roosts had been ringed in.Wiltshire Leicestershire Salop and Cheshire.Birds ringed at the roosts were controlled in.Sussex Surrey and Scotland.
2023 One on April 5th (first).
2024 One over Tesco lake March 23rd (first).
Two seen over Road island lake on the March 31st.Northerly winds for about a week in mid April saw more over the lakes.

RED RUMPED SWALLOW Cecropis daurica
Very rare visitor.
1997 One was seen over Tesco lake on May 8th..
2021 One was seen with a small mixed flock of Swallows,House Martins and Swifts,Feeding high over the Divers car-park and the Railway lake on may 3rd.

HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbica
Common summer visitor and passage migrant,which has declined over the years.A bird at New Hythe on March 16th 2008,was early and (2) there on Nov 23rd-25th,late.The main spring passage is later than the Swallow,most arriving during May.At this time of the year,small numbers can be seen over the lakes,but most probably go straight to there colonies.All the colonies I knew in Snodland only ten years ago have now gone.At least 15 occupied nests at May street Snodland 2015.
Cira 200,feeding low over Brookland lake on June 6th 2020.
2024 One feeding over Brookland lake with one Sand Martin on March 3rd,is the earliest record for the area
100 or more over Brookland lake with smaller numbers of Sand Martin and swallows on April 24th (cold N wind).100 in the area of the Road island lake on September 10th-12th (NW) 

CETTI`S WARBLER Cettia cetti
Resident.The first record for the area was of a male at Burham marsh on Oct 25th 1975.Five years later during the spring,a male was heard in the Eccles/island creek area.Later that same year in June,I trapped a juvenile on the nearby Reed island Site.The following year,there were (2) males at Burham marsh in April,(1) at Castle lake in July,(2) at New Hythe in Sept and (1) at Holborough in Oct.The 1981/82 winter was severe and a reduction in numbers was evident the following spring.Only (2) were heard,both at Burham.In 1983,the (2) birds remained at Burham and in Sept (2) more were heard at New Hythe.1984,saw a big increase in numbers (did these arrive in the autumn of 1993?).There was (8) singing at New Hythe,(2) at Burham and singles at Castle lake and Holborough.After the winter of 1985.there was again a reduction,but not as bad as first feared.Five new birds were trapped on Reed island Site,(2) were heard at New Hythe and there was (1) at Burham.Although the winter of 1986 was cold,numbers remained high the following spring.Four were heard in the Abbey Meads area during March and a count in May produced (11) in the Burham/Leybourne and New Hythe area.The winter of 1986/87,saw very heavy snow falls along the North Downs and in West Kent.Although the species had stood up quite well in previous cold winters.The deep snow must have reduced feeding possibilities severely and the population was decimated,save for (1) female that I trapped on Reed island Site in the spring.No more were heard or seen for a further six years.Then on April 17th 1993,the rich loud burst of song was at last heard again.A male was holding a territory along the northern bank of Abbey Meads.1994,saw (3) males in the area and I trapped a female with a brood patch.By 1995,the number had built up to (6) singing males.At the present times 2020,the population is strong with at least (10) singing males in the New Hythe/Leybourne area,with at least a further three each at Holborough and Burham.A male ringed at Chew Valley lake,Avon on 23 12 92 was controlled at Abbey Meads lake on 20 04 94.This bird was then re trapped in the same territory (Abbey Meads) a further four times,the last being five years later.
2022  At least ten singing birds at New Hythe and five at Burham.

LONG-TAILED TIT Aegithalos caudatus
Common and widespread resident,which fluctuates in numbers depending on the severity of the winter.One adult (4) ringed on 29 06 80 at Reed island Site.was found dead at East Malling (hit a window) on 02 10 80. 2km SW.A young bird (3) ringed on 20 08 83 at Cliffe Woods,Kent,was controlled at New Hythe on 06 04 85.15km S.Long-tailed Tits are highly sedentary,mainly moving short distances in loose flocks.

PALLAS`S WARBLER Phylloscopsus proregulus
Very rare visitor,Siberian species.
A singing male was present on the edge of the recording area at Wouldham from April 8th-18th 2007.

WOOD WARBLER Phylloscopsus sibilatrix
Rare passage migrant.Singles were seen at Leybourne on April 24th 1966 and in the Eccles area on April 30th 1967.This species has probably been overlooked over the years.

CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita
Summer breeding visitor and passage migrant,small numbers winter.Since 1968.small numbers have been recorded wintering in the area.1993,was a good year,with (9) at New Hythe,one bird trapped was of the race P.c.abietinus.On March 30th 2009,a tristis individual was seen and heard at Holborough marsh.The song was quieter,higher pitched and more condensed than Collybita.An adult bird ringed at Abbey Meads on 09 04 1986,was found dead on 02 01 1987,in the Algarve,Portugal.A bird that I ringed in my garden on the 12 02 2016,showed characteristics of P.c abietinus.The bird did not call.It was seen again in the garden on March 6th.
2023 Five were seen along the Mill stream in freezing conditions on the January 18th.On the 27th,11 were seen ,one of which was a Siberian.
2024 March 11th,15 singing around the lakes.
2025 at least 20 along the mill stream (sewage works opposite) during January.One bird may have been a tristis. 

ELV840 (3j) ringed on 06 08 17 at Ruxley,London,w.t 8.4gm controlled on 22 09 17 (west scrub) New Hythe,w.t 7.9gm,25Km ESE,47 days.

JAT969 (3 m) ringed 05 12 2017 at Leybourne CP w.t 7.9 g wing 62,controlled at Slough uk on 31 10 2018 w.t 7.9g wing 62 

PHN312 (3) ringed 18 10 2022 at Icklesham, w.t. 7.6 g ,controlled west scrub,New Hythe 24th October 2022'w.t.7,6g 6 days later 50km NNW.

KXX621 3 11 09 22 West Scrub wing 57 w.t. 6.8 controlled Portland Bill,Dorset 22 04 23 0600 wing 57 w.t.6.6grms 223 days 221 Km WSW.

KXX631 (3) 12 11 22 (West scrub) found freshly dead 27 04 23 East Kirly,Spilsby,Lincolnshire 166 days 205 Km N. 

WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus
Summer visitor and passage migrant,which has declined drastically in recent years.Up until about the beginning of the 1990s,Willow Warblers were a common bird in the area.Since 2012,only (1-2) pairs have been recorded in the New Hythe lakes complex,mainly in the west scrub.During April 2015,I heard (2) in the west scrub,and (1) in the east.No breeding records 2020.although several were heard  during May.
2021 Up to ten in the Brookland lake/Abbey Meads/East scrub area during April (on passage,rarely stays to breed now).
2023 singles heard at Brookland lake and Abbey Meads on March 30th (more passed through during April).
2024 March 25th,one in the NE corner of Abbey Meads.Three in the lakes area on April 1st.At least three more heard on April 20th.One stayed in the East scrub for at least 14 days.
Several seen in the East scrub at the beginning of September.

ringed in the West scrub as a 3j (juvenile) on the 07 Sept 2016
controlled (caught by a ringer) on 25 Aug 2017 at Laguna de Nava,Polencia,Spain,1,100Km SSW (probably stopped off to refuel,before continuing to its African wintering grounds).

BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla
Common widespread summer visitor and passage migrant,small numbers winter.Blackcaps,unlike some other warblers have increased in numbers.At New Hythe the maturing of the lakes has certainly helped.In May 2014,I recorded (25) singing males at New Hythe and during the autumn I trapped (153) in the west scrub,many of which must have been on passage.The birds that winter in the country are from a population that breeds in west central Europe.One such bird was controlled in my garden - ringed on 09 09 2011 at Chotec,Czech Republic,controlled on 30 12 2012 at Snodland ,Kent,it was last seen on March 14th 2013 (in my garden).
2023  Male and female feeding in a ivy covered tree at Brookland lake on February 13th.
2024 Two males ringed in my garden,January 28th and February 1st.A female was seen on January 30th.On February 17th a fourth bird was seen,a male without a ring.Male ringed in the garden on March 6th,low wt 16.9 (just arrived).
Several singing at New Hythe March 7th.Good numbers in the lakes area again.(breeding).
September 5th,noticable numbers,along with Chiffs and Thrushes in the East scrub (rain early in during the morning).A female in my garden on November 27th.
2025 two ringed in my garden January/February. 

3j ringed (juvenile) 29 06 2014 East Newlands,Foulness,Essex
controlled  11 09 2014 New Hythe (west scrub) 46Km SW.

3M ringed 05 09 2014 New Hythe (west scrub)
adM,controlled 19 06 2016 Sandy Smith NR,Beadlow,Bedforshire,653 days 99km NW.

3jM ringed New Hythe west scrub 28 08 2020
found dead (fresh) hit glass,21 06 2021 Borough Green,Kent 297 days 10Km W.

3jM ringed New Hythe (west scrub) 20 08 2020.
controlled 04 08 2021 Firdown wood Bekesbourne,kent.349 days 48 Km E.

3F ringed New Hythe,(west scrub 17 09 2020.
found dead (hit glass) 04 05 2021 Hillfarrance,Somerset 229 days 255Km W.  

AZK9828 3JM ringed (West scrub) 11 09 2023 wing 77mm w.t 17.8g time 08:00
controlled 25 05 2024 5M Swancombe marshes,Kent.257 days,NNW wing 77mm w.t 15.3g time 05:00 

Scarce summer visitor and passage migrant,population increase since the 1980s.One at Eccles on April 10th 1966,was early.This species occupies similar habitats as the Blackcap,but is less numerous.In recent years there has been around four pairs in the New Hythe lakes complex.
2022  Good showing,at least seven singing.
2023 Good showing again,at least six or more singing (May). 
2024 one in the East scrub on April 23rd.At least five in the Country on the 29th.

Scarce summer visitor and passage migrant,population increase since the 1980s.Like the Garden Warbler,although scarce,both have benefited by the maturing of the lakes.There has probably been around (4-6) pairs at New Hythe in recent years (2020).
2024 One in the East scrub on April 15th.

Common summer visitor and passage migrant.One at New Hythe on April 2nd 2001 was early and one there on Nov 2nd 1975 late.In the summer of 1965 (61) males were found singing in the Burham/Eccles/Old Factory area.Walking round the same area in 1985 I found only (1).In 1969 the Whitethroat population crashed dramatically throughout Britain and fell even more in 1972 and 1973.Drought conditions in the Sahel regeon of Africa where the birds winter was thought to have been the reason.The numbers remained low until 1986 when there was a welcome and noticeable increase in numbers.There was up to (10) pairs around Abbey Meads during the 1990s and up to (8) at Holborough.
2004 At New Hythe there was (24) singing males.
2012 (23).
2023 one in the Country park on April 9th (first).
2024 Still breeds,though in smaller numbers.

Rare visitor,seen mainly on the coast.
2001 One was present in the east scrub from Jan 14th-22nd.

Irregular summer breeding species and passage migrant.In the 1960s,(1-2) singing males were present in the Burham/Eccles area.From 1981 to the mid 1990s,(1-2) were present most years,either in the Sunken marsh,or in the north east corner of Abbey Meads lake.The west scrub has also held singing birds over the years.In 1993 (3),2001 (2) and 2013,(1).

SAVI`S WARBLER Locustella lustcinioides
Very rare visitor.
One was heard singing at Holborough marsh one year in the 1970s.

SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
Summer visitor and passage migrant,which has declined in recent years.One at Eccles on March 31st 1966,was early and one at Burham on Oct 26th 1975,late.During a survey in 1982,(70) pairs were located in TQ76,which included a healthy (25) around Abbey Meads lake alone.By 2001,in the whole of the New Hythe lakes area the count was just (17) and in 2004,it was down to a miserable (4).The decline continues,since 2009,or earlier,just (1-2) have been located at New Hythe.It does still breed on the marshes,but again in much smaller numbers than formerly.
2016 One was seen and heard in brambles at Brookland lake on April 3rd 2016' (a nice early date) and during May no less than 5 were heard in the New Hythe lakes area.
2022 One was heard in the same locality (Brookland lake) as in 2016) on May 7th.
2023 one singing from the scrubby mound (Brookland lake on May 18th.
Two  were ringed in the west scrub on August 4th .
2024 One was seen at New Hythe on April 5th.At least six more heard during the month.

 (3)   29 07 67 Burham marsh
controlled     21 05 68 Wilstone,reservoir,Tring,Herts.

              (3) 26 08 80 Holm,Norfolk.
                   13 09 80 Burham marsh

              (3) 21 08 86 Burham marsh
                   26 04 87 Heysham harbour,Lancashire.

              (3) 26 08 88 Icklesham,Sussex
                   28 08 88 Burham marsh.47km NE 2 days.

Many young birds in the autumn,such as the above bird.Will head north before turning south for the winter.This maybe to locate suitable breeding areas to return to the following spring.

REED WARBLER Acroephalus scirpaceus
Summer visitor and passage migrant.In 1963.(300) pairs were estimated to be present in the reed beds at Burham marsh.In 1990.I estimated (250),which included (51) in the main dyke there.In the same year,I estimated (60) to be present at Holborough marsh.They also nest in the reed beds that line the Medway at New Hythe and also on Eccles island.Smaller numbers but just as important,also nest around the reed fringed banks of,Brookland lake,Abbey meads and Streamside.The Sunken marsh area is also important.Birds ringed in the area have been found in.France Portugal Suffolk Essex Sandwich Sussex and ,Hampshire, 
2024 One singing at the southern end of Streamside lake on April 3rd (early date).

Z821329  3j Ringed 19 08 2017 west scrub,caught by a ringer at Kneep Castle Estate,West Sussex,on the 02 09 2017.70Km WSW.
2023 One singing in the S E corner of the Streamside lake on April 3rd.

MARSH WARBLER Acrocephalus palustris
Rare visitor.Has bred.
3jp ringed 23 07 91 controlled as a 4M at Rye Meads,Herts on 22 05 93 60Km NW 669 days.

WAXWING Bombycilla garrulus
Rare winter visitor.During the years of big Waxwings invasions such as 1965,1986,1989,1996 and 2000/02,Birds were seen close by,but not in the actual recording area.This however all changed in Dec 2004,when (9) birds spent a week in the east and west scrub.More recently small numbers were seen in the Sunken marsh area and Brook House in the winters of 2010/11 and (4) were seen edge of the east scrub on January 31st 2017.
2023 Five seen at Brookland lake (flycatching) at 11:23.they later flew off SE.
2024 One in the East scrub on February 3rd,flew off SW and what was probably the same bird was seen again on the 17th.Four flew SW over Brookland lake on March 15th.

NUTHATCH Sitta europaea
Rare visitor.Breeds along the Downs.
During the 1980s,singles were seen on Eccles island and more recently one was seen by the Leybourne Country Park rangers office.(2020).
2024 One heard and seen in the Oaks at the southern end of Abbey Meads on September 23rd.

COMMON TREECREEPER Certhia famillaris
Resident in small numbers,small decline in recent years.Treecreepers have been noted breeding in the Eccles island/Reed island Site,Castle lake,Holborough marsh and in the lakes complex.In recent years the mature crack willows in the vicinity of the Leybourne Country Park rangers office,has been a reliable Site.I ringed single birds in the Brook House area during 2016 and 17 and several in the west scrub during the autumn of 2020.

WREN Troglodytes trodlodytes
Common and widespread breeding species which fluctuates in numbers,especially after harsh winters.

STARLING Sturnus vulgaris
Common resident,passage migrant and winter visitor,has declined in recent years.Starlings are one of the most numerous birds in the area.There are large influxes of continental birds during Oct and Nov.These big flocks mainly feed and roost in the vicinity of Burham marsh,they depart during March.Birds ringed in the area have been found in.Estoniya and other areas in Kent.
2020. Noticeably less numerous in my garden during the winter months now.
2022 still good numbers of post breeding flocks (young) on our estate (100s).
2024/25 noticeable fewer birds coming into the garden.

RING OUZEL Turdus torquatus
Rare passage migrant.
Two were seen at Burham marsh on Aug 29th 1963,with (1) there one autumn in the late 1980s.More recently singles were seen at New Hythe in April 2003 and in the Sunken marsh on Oct 14th 2014.This is another species that has probably been overlooked,
2019 Unusual record of three at New Hythe on April 18th.(flushed from hawthorns on the edge of the Sunken marsh).
2020 One at Holborough marsh on November 7th.
2023 A nice male feeding on the short turf (East scrub) during the evening of May 3rd.

BLACKBIRD Turdus merula
Common resident,passage migrant and winter visitor.Blackbirds are a widespread breeding species.It is at its most numerous during the autumn,when they feed on the hawthorn crop on the marshes and in the lakes complex.Birds ringed in the area have been found in.Belgium,Netherlands and other areas in Kent.

FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris
Winter visitor and passage migrant.
Singles at Holborough marsh on sept 6th 1970 and at New Hythe on Sept 8th 1980,were early.The big numbers are not usually seen until the end of Oct.When they do appear they are usually first seen flying over the area in a NW direction.Some of these birds however drop down to feed on the berry crop few a few days,while others move on after just a short while.This is most noticeable in the Abbey Meads area and on the marshes at Holborough and Burham.At these places big roosting flocks may form,especially at Burham.There was a roost estimate of (7,000) in hawthorns there in Nov 1966 and in the mid 1980s,a roost was formed in the reed bed there,which was unusual.In some years small numbers remain in the area all winter.By early March the return passage starts,which continues into April,a May bird is rare.Birds ringed in the area have been found in.Italy and Finland.
Very poor showing,autumn/winter 2021/2022.
2022 Eight flew over the East scrub on October 24th.
2023 400 feeding in a stubble field at Paddlesworth on January 29th.Very scarce in the lakes area.
Five seen flying over from the Bucket wood on October 17th.One in the East scrub on December 3rd. t
Five flew out of their roost with Redwings in the West scrub (NW) on December 11th.
2024 Very poor year for sightings,none at the end of the year (New Hythe).
2025 none seen during January or February (New Hythe).

SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos
Widespread breeding species,winter visitor and passage migrant.SongThrushes have declined drastically over the years,Like the Blackbird it is at its most numerous during the autumn months.Birds ringed in the area have been found in.France,Spain,Norfolk and other areas in Kent.
Now very rarely seen in my garden.
2022 Good numbers at New Hythe during the summer and a influx was noted during October.
2023 At least six singing at New Hythe during the spring.
2024 Four singing from the water treatment car park to the divers car park on February 6th.
2025 singing February.

REDWING Turdus iliacus 
Common winter visitor.
poor numbers,autumn/winter 2021-2022.
2022 One-two New Hythe October 11th.
2023 several small flocks over New Hythe on October 17th.Small numbers present at New Hythe during December (good berry winter).One hundred feeding on Hawthorn berries (E/W scrub) December 10th.Fifty left a roost in the West scrub (NW) on December 11th.
2024 Small numbers passing west over New Hythe,October 12th.
2025 very small numbers in the lakes area January and February.

(3) ringed West scrub 30 10 83 found dead at Littlehampton,Sussex 06 03 86 (cat) 87 Km SW. 

MISTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus
Scarce breeding species and passage migrant,has declined.Post breeding flocks of up to (150),were recorded at Burham in the late 1970s.Since then these flocks have been much smaller.Most years,more so in the past during the  month of October.Small numbers can occasionally be seen passing over the area heading NW.
2023 One was seen in the East scrub on April 5th and May 3rd.On the last occasion it was collecting food.
2024 One in the East scrub collecting food on May 7th.
2025 February,one heard in the above area. 

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscipapa striata.
Summer visitor,formerly common,now rare.During the 1960s,Spotted flycatchers were common and widespread.At Eccles old factory area (13) adults were located there in 1965.By the end of the 1970s,I recorded it as becoming scarce.During the mid 1980s,up to (4) in a day could still be seen at New Hythe,but there after the decline really set in.
2010 One at New Hythe during September.
2015.One at New Hythe during September.
2020.One seen in the trees along the east bank of Brookland  lake on May 25th.
2022 Two in the Diver`s carpark,20th September.
2023 One on the edge of the West scrub on September 23rd. 
2024 one in the East scrub on September 6th,with 2 from the10th-12th. 

PIED FLYCATCHER Ficedular hypoleuce
Uncommon passage migrant,which has probably been overlooked through the years.Singles in the Burham/Eccles area on Aug 23rd 1966,with (2) on the 24th,on Sept 30th 1967 and Aug 10th 1968.At Castle lake in the autumn of 1963 and at New Hythe on May 1st 1979,with (2) there on Sept 27th 1983.One was seen in the SE corner of Brookland lake on April 28th 2016.

ROBIN Erithacus rubeccule
Common widespread resident,passage migrant and winter visitor,with no noticeable change in status.

(5) ringed Northward Hill March 30th 2021
controlled West scrub (New Hythe) November 21st 2022 20Km SSW.

(4) ringed 01 03 83 (garden) Snodland (found dead) 05 08 83 Marlow,Buckinghamshire 84Km NW.

NIGHTINGALE Luscinia megarhnchos
 Breeding species.
One was singing in the Brook House bushes on the early date of April 3rd 2017.
One Leybourne Country Park,April 5th 2019.
During May 2020,5 heard on the now disused Golf Course at Ham Hill.
Three singing during May around Brookland Lake (east and northern banks) new sites.25 singing in the New Hythe lakes area during May.
One in the East scrub on April 2nd 2021 (24 singing birds in May (Country Park) with 9 in the Brookland/Abbey Meads area.
Eccles old cement factory area,15 heard in May 2021 (new housing proposed).
2022 27 singing (Leybourne Country Park) 10 in Abbey Meads/Brookland area.Six former Ham Hill golf course.
2023 First (1) East scrub on April 4th (not singing) singing on April 7th.
2024 3 at New Hythe on April 5th,15 by the 17th,


V376216  4  23 04 08  Kingsnorth Power Station Kent
             V  26 04 09  New Hythe (west scrub) Kent  15km SW (this bird was possibly a female,which are less site faithful than males).

L563452  3  10 09 2010  Icklesham Sussex (on passage)
                V  15 04 2014  New Hythe Kent  (breeding)
                V   15 04 2016  . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .

T677063 (5 male),ringed on the 06 06 2008 (Leybourne Country Park),re trapped in 2013,2014,2015 and lastly on 20 07 2016,aged 9 years,or 8 years and 14 days from time of ringing (oldest BTO ringed Nightingale). 


BLUETHROAT Luscinia svecia
Uncommon passage migrant,mainly to the Kent coast.
1968 One at New Hythe (Johnsons lake area) from Feb 11th-March 4th.(1st winter female) was the second wintering record for Kent.

BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros
Rare breeding species,passage migrant and winter visitor.During the 1960s,singles were seen at Leybourne in the spring of 1964,in Aylesford sand pit on March 31st 1966 (singing),the old factory area at Eccles from March 26th-30th 1967 and New Hythe in Dec 1968.1970s - Singles near Burham marsh in the spring of 1971 and at Abbey Meads on March 21st and 29th,with (3) there on the 30th 1979.One pair bred at the former Halling cement works(which is now a new housing development)in 1977.1980s - (1) at New Hythe on May 9th 1980,(2) at Abbey Meads from April 12th-13th 1986 and breeding was  proved again at Halling (2) pairs in 1995.A pair raised two broods on the edge of the recording area,on the former Reed International site in 1995.
2015 One was seen in the paper mill complex.Which runs along the northern and eastern boundary of Brookland lake on November 14th.
2016 At the above site on April 5th.
2019 One seen in the above general area on April 20th,
2022 One seen in the paper mill complex on April 3rd.( as in 2015/16.
2023 one on the Mill at Brookland on April 5th.
2024  One seen on the edge of the new housing estate (Road island lake on November 2nd).

REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Scarce passage migrant.Single in the old factory area at Eccles on April 10th,19th and 24th 1966.At New Hythe on Oct 8th 1969,Aug 30th 1983,Aug 18th 2010 and in April (east scrub) 2014.Two early birds were seen at Eccles on April 2nd 1971.One was seen in the east scrub (New Hythe) on April 29th 2016,with  two on August 29th (New Hythe).
2018 Two at New Hythe on April 29th.
2020 One was seen in the east scrub on September 6th.
2021 A female was present in the S/E corner of Brookland lake from April 25th-26th.
2023 One in the East scrub on April 4th (clear,light E).A lot came into the country.
2024 A young male in the East scrub on August 27th and it,or a different bird trapped there on September 7th.

WHINCHAT Saxicola rubetra
Passage migrant,which has declined in recent years.During the early years,Whinchats were seen quite regularly in the lakes complex and on the marshes during the months of Aug and Sept,especially if there had been a NE wind.Up to (4) in a day being quite usual (1970s and 1980s).There was (6) in the Burham/Eccles area on Aug 31st 1966.As a spring migrant it is scarce,but when it is seen,it is usually during May.A late bird was trapped in a reed bed roost at Burham on Oct 25th 1981.A pair first seen on June 6th 1965,in the Eccles old factory area.Were seen again this time carrying food in the same place on July 4th.
2016 One was seen at New Hythe on August 29th.The same day that two Redstarts were also seen there.The east scrub is a good site for finding these two species.
2024,one in the East scrub on September 7th.

STONECHAT Saxicola torquata
Winter visitor and passage migrant.During the early to mid 1960s,the Stonechat was a rare bird in the area.Two birds at Leybourne in Jan and two singles in the month of Oct at Burham and New Hythe are the only records for that period.With the onset of milder winters towards the end of that decade,there were more records.Most of these coming from New Hythe.Where up to (4) birds wintered regularly through the 1970s.From the beginning of the 1980s,up to the present time the species has become scarce again.Although not far outside the are on Halling marsh,this bird has been seen annually in recent years.Perhaps at New Hythe the habitat they require has changed and there is certainly a lot more disturbance by dogs than formerly.
2022 One seen from the Bucket wood and another on the wild flower meadow at New Hythe on October 11th (big influx into the County).
2023 One seen from the Bucket wood on October 8th.
2024 Two seen from Bucket wood on October 12th.

WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe
Formerly a common passage migrant,which has become far less regular in recent times.During the spring the Wheatear occurs from late March into April and May.The return passage is in Aug and Sept,with a few still passing in Oct.Most of the records especially in the past (1970s and 1980s) came from the more open areas of the New Hythe lakes area (now west and east scrub).Seldom more than (1-2) were seen at any one time.It is more common in the spring,when during May the larger Greenland bird puts in a appearance.A pair during the summer at Abbey Meads one year in the 1970s,probably nested.A recent record of (4) in the east scrub on May 2nd 2012,was unusual.
House Sparrow Passa domesticus
Resident,which has become less numerous in recent years.There was a large roost count of (2,500) at Burham during the winter of 1966.In recent years there has been a very noticeable fall in feeding flock numbers on the surrounding farmland,marshland and at New Hythe.On some occasions now,you can walk through the lakes complex without seeing a single bird..It is not until you are back in human habitations that you start to see them again.In my garden at Snodland,where I have lived for over forty years.The species remains numerous,with up to (40) visiting each day.We had six pairs nesting in boxes on the side of the house (2015) 2024.

TREE SPARROW Passer montanus
Former resident,passage migrant and winter visitor.In 1966,in the Burham Eccles area there was a winter roost of (400) and a breeding survey count of (72) adults there in 1965.During 1976,several pairs bred in boxes on Eccles island and (9) flew over New Hythe NW on Oct 10th.During the 1980s I regularly caught birds on the Reed island Site and during the autumn and winter flocks of up to (50) were regularly seen at Burham Court farm feeding on spilt grain..In Dec 1985,(100) were feeding along the newly landscaped banks of Tesco lake.From the beginning of the 1990s,the species then became very hard to locate.To my knowledge there has been no more records since.

BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL Motacilla flava flava
Formerly a regular spring passage migrant.Through the 1970s,I located this bird almost annually in the area which is now known as the east and west scrub.A cock bird was seen feeding young at Burham in 1967.

YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava flavissima
Extreme dates April 2nd 1996 and Nov 7th 1986.Yellow Wagtails bred annually in the area until a decline set in towards the end of the 1970s.The last record of breeding I have at New Hythe was in 1982 and on the marshes in 1986.However a few pairs were located in cereal fields at Burham up until the mid 1990s.During the 1970s and 1980s,during the spring there was a very noticeable passage of birds in the Abbey meads area with up to (20) on any one day.During the 1960s and 1970s,autumn roosts in the reed beds at either Holborough or Burham held up to (200) birds.By the 1980s,these roost averaged (80).The decline continued and by the beginning of the 1990s,the roosts no longer existed.In more recent times two singles passed through New Hythe in the spring of 2001.I believe small numbers still pass over on passage (hearing them is the key),which I now can`t).
2024 a male flew over Brookland lake on April 21st.


ringed (3) 18 08 66 Beddington,Surrey
controlled 20 08 66 Burham marsh (roost)

ringed (3) 07 08 88 Isle Grain,Kent
controlled 28 08 88 Burham marsh (roost)

Very rare visitor.
Single cock birds were seen at Abbey Meads on April 13th 1979 and ,from  April 19th-20th and May 30th 1982.

GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea
The Grey Wagtail can be seen in all months and it has undoubtedly bred over the years.
Pair feeding young at Brookland lake during May 2020.
2023 Frequently seen in the river area and at Brooklands lake (1-2).
2024 seen in all months.
2025 2 seen regularly inside the water treatment works.during January/February.
WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alba alba
Formerly an annual spring passage migrant,now rarely seen.During the 1960s and 1970s,this species was an annual visitor to the New Hythe area.One was caught in a Pied Wagtail roost at Holborough on Oct 26th 1986.
2020 One was seen at Burham marsh,with Pied,during September. 
2025 From 1-2 seen regularly inside the sewage works during January and February.

PIED WAGTAIL Motacilla alba yarrelil
Resident and passage migrant.Autumn roosts of between (100-200) birds were regular in the reed beds at either Holborough or Burham up until the end of the 1980s.During the 1990s,the birds then starting roosting in buildings on the former Reed International Site on the edge of the area at New Hythe.A decline then set in towards the end of the decade.At the present time the bird is far less numerous.During the early years there was a very noticeable spring passage through the lakes.Birds ringed in the autumn roosts at either Holborough or Burham were found in.Cheshire Yorks Essex Beds and in other parts of Kent.

TREE PIPIT Anthus trivialis
Rare spring passage migrant.During the 1980s,singles were occasionally heard in the spring as they passed over New Hythe.Two early birds were seen there on April 3rd 1982.At this time they were still breeding on the North Downs.

MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis
Former regular nesting species and numerous passage migrant.In the past Meadow Pipits nested quite widely throughout the area.At New Hythe during the 1970s and 1980s,they nested in the Brook House area and in the now west and east scrub.Single pairs continued to nest in the east scrub,up until the mid 1990s,At the present time Meadow Pipits are far less numerous.In the past during Sept and Oct streams of the birds past through heading south.It may still occasionally nest on the marshes,especially at Holborough.Small numbers heard passing over New Hythe NW,during September 2019/2020.
2024 September 29th,small flocks passing over New Hythe,

ROCK PIPIT Anthus spinoletta petrosus
Scarce visitor.Singles at Aylesford sewage works on Oct 29th 1976,Burham marsh in March 1968 and at New Hythe in Feb 1969 (Brookland lake) with (2) there in Dec.Although as far as I know there are no records of this species on the Medway at New Hythe.A little further down river at Halling,it has been found to be a regular winter visitor since the 1970s.There was a count of (10) there in Nov 1982.

WATER PIPIT Spinolleta spinoletta
Scarce visitor.Singles were seen at New Hytyhe on Oct 18th 1969 and Burham marsh in April 1977.During 1970,between March 31st and April 17th,(4) were present at New Hythe in the Brook House area.In the 1980s,birds were again recorded from New Hythe and in Feb 1985,(3) were seen on a water flash at Holborough marsh.More recently in the spring of 2001 (5) spent a few days on Holborough marsh.
2020 One along the river at Holborough on November 7th.
2024 one was seen along the outflow,which runs past Bucket wood on January 15th.
CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs
Common widespread breeding species,passage migrant and winter visitor.From the 1960s,up until about the mid 1980s,during the month of Oct.Flocks of (50) or more were regularly seen passing over the area NW.Also during this period feeding flocks in the autumn and winter months contained sometimes (100s) of birds.In recent times although it is still common,it is far less numerous.

BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla
Scarce winter visitor.In Feb 1980,(150) were feeding in a weedy field on Holborough marsh,with (50) there in Dec 1981.At Burham marsh on March 2nd 1986,(55) were feeding in a strip of newly cut reed.During Jan 2004,at Least (25) birds were roosting in hawthorns in the NE corner of Abbey Meads lake.
2024,several seen at New Hythe during November.

GREENFINCH Carduelis chloris
Formerly a very common resident,passage migrant and winter visitor,A decline which started  at the beginning of the 1990s,has been attributed to trichinosis.
2019 and 2020,more numerous than of late.
One was seen in my garden in September 2019 (first for many years).
2024,March,noticable around the lakes,singles and pairs.
2025 small numbers seen in the lakes area during January/February. 


NJ00822  5M  29 03 80  Chatham Kent
                  V   10 05 80  Eccles (Reed island Site) kent 5km SW

NE97055  4M 24 05 80  Eccles  (Reed island Site) Kent
                   V  14 02 81  Chatham kent  5km NE

NJ09168   6M 08 04 80  Chatham Kent
                   V  24 04 81  Eccles  (Reed island Site Kent  5km SW

NJ00826  6F   29 03 80  Chatham Kent
                 V    28 05 80  Eccles  (Reed island Site Kent)  5km SW

NJ00685  5F   15 03 80  Chatham Kent
                  V   26 09 83  New Hythe Kent  6 km SW

NC97118  3F  02 11 80  Burham marsh Kent
                   V  08 02 81  Chatham Kent (roost)

GARDEN RINGING (my house is about one mile from the recording area)

NK19875  5F  08 04 82  Snodland Kent
                   X  02 02 85  Chatham Kent  (cat)  6km NE

NE97656  5M 01 01 79   Snodland Kent
                  V   16 04 79   Pitsea marsh Essex  24km N

NE97655  5M  03 01 79  Snodland Kent
                   V   27 01 79  Tonbridge Wells Kent  21km SW

NJ00686   5M  15 03 80  Chathan Kent
                    V  29 08 81  Snodland Kent

NH62108  6F   09 02 80  Fleet Hampshire
                   V   14 03 81  Snodland kent  87km NE

NN63016  6M  28 01 84  Snodland kent
                   X    25 11 85  Enfield London  (found dead)  53km NW

VC28574   5M  15 01 88  Snodland Kent
                    V    18 10 89  Effingham Surrey  58km W

VE12660    4M  20 11 92  Snodland Kent
                      X  01 06 95  East Farleigh Kent (cat) 8kmSE

NV26528    5M  24 01 94  Snodland Kent
                     V    09 01 95  Trottiscliffe Kent  5km NW


VE12627     3M  10 10 91  Leysdown
                      V   12 01 92  East Grinstead Sussex  71km SW

VE12659     3M  31 10 92  Leysdown
                      V   15 02 93  Witstable Kent  5km E

VE12698      3M 16 09 93  Leysdown
                       V  23 02 93  Dungeness Kent  52km S

NV26537      3F  14 08 94  Leysdown
                       V  12 10 94  Dungeness Kent

NV26534     3M 14 08 94  Leysdown
                       X  15 07 95 Shellness Sheppey Kent  (found dead) 2km E

GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis
Common resident and passage migrant.During the 1970s,flocks containing up to (250) birds were of common occurrence in the New Hythe lakes area.By the 1990s,these flocks averaged about (50).The largest flock I came across was (200) on Burham marsh in Dec 1996.In resent times,although there has been a fall in numbers from the highs of the 1970s.Autumn and winter flocks in the lakes complex have average around (50) birds.Their favourite food being teasel seeds.Some winters Goldfinches are scarce,but by April and May,small flocks start appearing and birds move into their breeding territories
2024 still abundant throughout the lakes,mainly feeding on teasel.
2025 January/February several flocks in the lakes area feeding on teasels (150) 

SISKIN Carduelis spinus
Winter visitor and passage migrant.Siskins are seen in varying numbers most years feeding in the Alders around the lakes.During the 1960s,flocks of up to (60) were regularly seen in the Alders around the motor way lake.In recent years it has been seen less frequently and in smaller numbers.During the winter of 2014/15,I saw none at all in the area,During July 2015 small numbers were heard overflying New Hythe and Snodland,which for the month of July is very unusual and maybe a first.Unusual numbers were also recorded during the month at Sandwich Bay.Heard overflying New Hythe during October 2020.
Poor numbers winter 2021/22.
Small number heard passing over New Hythe,October 11th 2022.
2022/23 very scarce at New Hythe.Five seen in Alders on the former Ham hill golf course February 1st. 
2023 several were heard flying over New Hythe on September 13th.Five in Alders with Goldfinches by the Bucket wood on November 12th.
2024 20 in the Alders along the northern bank of Brookland lake on January 1st.Fifty in the Alders at the southern end of Streamside lake on February 7th.Not seen after March 13th.
September 29th,a small flock near the East scrub.
2025 small numbers during January and February.

LINNET Carduelis cannabina
Breeding species and passage migrant,scarce during the winter.During the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s,there were post breeding flocks in the New Hythe lakes area of up to (500) birds and breeding numbers were high throughout the recording area.By the end of the 1980s however,breeding pairs and flock numbers had noticeably fallen.Then in the mid 1990s,a very fast and dramatic decline set in.This was most evident,at least for me,on Holborough marsh.In 1995,at least (10) pairs were present,1996,(5) (1988,(2),2000/01 (1) and 2002 (0).In recent years linnets in the recording area have become very hard to find.In 2013,(1) pair was present in the Sunken marsh and in 2016/17 several pairs were found in the lakes area.
During the first quarter of 2015,a flock of (150) was present in the Sand Hole area of Snodland,which is very encouraging.
2020  At least six pairs on Sand Hole and more noticeable at New Hythe.
Not far outside of the area,at the foot of the Downs above Birling.One hundred and fifty were feeding in a harvested  rape field on August 15th 2020.
2022 One hundred feeding on wild flower mix in fields over towards Paddlesworth on September 25th One week later all the flowers/weed cut down.
2024 several in the lakes area on February 5th. 


HB79381  6M  08 04 66  Burham,Kent
                   X   08 12 66  Spain  (found dead)

Leysdown Coastal Park

H199787  3F  09 10 91  Leysdown,Kent
                AC  13 11 94  Cabezarrubias,Del Puerto Ciudad Real Spain (caught and caged)

H748181  3F  15 08 93  Leysdown,Kent
                  X  14 04 94  Sheerness Kent  12km W (cat)

H553209  4F  04 07 92  Haven Point,Essex
                  V  07 04 93  Leysdown Kent  20km S

H154625  3M 08 10 90  Leysdown Kent
                   X  15 07 92 Leysdown Kent (road casualty)

H605679  4M 02 05 92  Leysdown Kent
                   X  07 07 92  - - - - - - - - - -  (found dead)

TWITE Carduelis flavirostris
Uncommon winter visitor to the Kent coast,very rare inland.
1984 One was seen with Linnets on the edge of the Reed Island Site on Jan 29th.

LESSER REDPOLL Carduelis flammea cabaret
Winter visitor and passage migrant in varying numbers,has bred.During the 1960s,the lesser Redpoll was mainly seen in small numbers during the winter.However by the mid 1970s,it had become more abundant and was present in all months.In the summers of 1979 and 1980,it was very noticeable in the New Hythe area and a few pairs were known to have nested.I also trapped females with brood patches during this period on the Reed island Site.A fall in numbers was apparent in 1982/83,but in the summer of 1985,it was again very abundant A fall in numbers was apparent again in the 1990s and it was back to being a mainly a winter visitor.The trend has continued up to the present day (2020).
Very scarce,ten seen in Alders on the former Ham Hill Golf Course,15 01 2021.
Poor numbers autumn/winter 2021/22.
2023 One seen in Alders along north bank of Brooklands on February 4th and two seen on November 11th.
2024 January,remains scarce.Several in the West scrub during November.Scarce to the end of the year. 
2025 January 31st fifteen feeding in a silver birch in the lakes area (scarce).

COMMON REDPOLL Carduelis flammea
Rare visitor.
One was seen on the edge of the area at Sand Hole farm (now the golf course) during the winter of 1973.

BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Resident in small numbers.has declined.Up until the 1990s,Bullfinches were quite numerous in the area.In 1986,during a single visit to the Abbey Meads area (16) were seen.At the present time Bullfinches are seen mostly in the west scrub and the Sunken marsh/Abbey Meads area,where in a single visit (4-6) can occasionally be seen (2024).


British Bullfinches are largely sedentary the vast majority of ringed birds being recovered within 5km of the ringing site.

A738849  6M  24 05 80  Eccles (Reed island Site,Kent.
                   V   11 06 81  Aylesford,Kent  1km E

A738802  5F    26 04 80  Eccles (Reed island Site,Kent
                  X    12 05 81  New Hythe  1km W (hit building)

A738836   6M  17 05 80  Eccles (Reed island Site,Kent
                    V   23 08 80      -    -   -   -   -  -  -  -  -
                    V   24 04 81      -    -   -   -   -  -  -  -  -
                     X  19 06 81  Larkfield,Kent  (found dead 2km S

HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes
Breeds in small numbers along the Downs.
1977 One was seen in the Abbey Meads lake area during January.
2017 Three were seen at New Hythe on October 27th.During October of that year,large numbers came into Britain from the Continent. (a very unusual movement)
2018.One at New Hythe on January 14th.

LAPLAND BUNTING Calcarius lapponicus
Scares winter visitor and passage migrant to the Kent coast,very rare inland.
1986 One flew west at Abbey Meads lake during the first week of March.

SNOW BUNTING Plectrophenax nivalis
Regular,winter visitor and passage migrant to the Kent coast,rare inland.
1986 One at New Hythe during the first week of March.

YELLOWHAMMER Emberiza citrinella
Resident which has declined drastically.Up until the decline,I knew of at Least (5) pairs on Holborough marsh.A further (5) in the Eccles old factory area and the occasional (1-2) pairs at Burham marsh.They also bred commonly along the North Downs.The decline at least for me was most evident at Holborough.Where in 1995 and 1996,(5) males were holding territories,but by the following year there was only (2) and in the summer of 1998 (1) which only stayed for a short while.During the 1970s,flocks of up to (150) were present at New Hythe during the winter months and in 1986,a flock of (60) was seen there.Winter flocks also occurred on Burham marsh all through the 1980s,These were attracted to spilt grain at the cattle feeding stations.By the 1990s,these winter flock numbers were much reduced.
When I first started watching at Halling marsh in 2009.I was pleased to find that at least (3) pairs were present.However,three years later they had also gone.
Since 2013,when I saw a breeding pair in cereal fields between Snodland and Paddlesworth.A pair has been seen there every year since (2019),summer 2020 three pairs.
2019 A male was seen in the Sunken Marsh at New Hythe on March 19th,The first sighting of this species I have had at New Hythe,in thirty years.
2023  10 feeding on newly sown seed at Birling Place farm (fields at the foot of the Downs).Four seen 
near the hay field during June (may have included young of the year).First noticed in 2013.

REED BUNTING Emberiza scheniclus
Resident,passage migrant and winter visitor,which has declined in recent years.Reed Buntings breed in the lakes area (very small numbers in recent years) and on the marshes.Breeding numbers in the Reed beds at both Holborough and Burham,have probably always been under (30) pairs.At Holborough in the summer of 2001,at least (18) singing males were present.The decline has been more evident in the number of birds moving through the area during the spring and at winter roosts which have been smaller.During the 1970s and 1980s,roosts at Burham and New Hythe, regularly held up to (100) birds.
2024/25 winter,hard to find in the lakes area.

Although I have had no recoveries abroad of birds ringed in the recording area.One of my birds ringed at Leysdown (Country Park,Kent) on the 12 10 91 (3F) was controlled (V) at Kroons Polders,Vlieland,Netherlands on the 09 08 95 and another bird (4M ringed on the 16 09 92 was controlled (V) at Blankenberge,West Vlaanderen,Belgium on the 30 10 93.

A450677  3F  24 10 79  Hall wood,Wrotham,Kent
                 V   01 03 80  New Hythe,Kent (roost) 9km SE 129 days.

A275165  4F  31 01 79  New Hythe,Kent (roost)
                  V  24 10 79  Hall wood,Wrotham,Kent 9km NW 207 days

A450930  3M 30 09 79  Hall wood,Wrotham,Kent
                   V  02 11 80  Burham marsh,Kent 8km ESE

 A738706  4F  01 03 80 New Hythe,Kent
                  X  24 11 80 Fobbing,Essex (found dead) 26km NE 268 days

H748018  5m 31 01 93 New Hythe,Kent
                  V  24 09 93  Icklesham,Sussex 49km SW

GARDEN RINGING  (my house is about one mile from the recording area (New Hythe)

Since the winter of  2010,I have managed to ring 55 birds.How many birds enter the garden to feed depended on how cold the winters were.During the cold winter of 2012.I managed to catch (34) and in the cold winter of 2013.(20).Winter 2014,was notable for how mild it was and consequently I only ringed (1).The winters of 2015 and 16,were also poor for numbers.Although the winter of 2017/18,was cold with snow,I only saw one bird.
2019-2022 23  No birds.

L678015  4F  20 12 2010  Shorne marshes,Gravesend,Kent
                  V  17 01 2012  Snodland,Kent 14km S
                  V  18 12 2012  Snodland,Kent

L529905  3F  22 12 2010  Snodland,Kent
                  V  29 12 2010  Shorne marshes,Gravesend,Kent 14km N

Y221956  4F  24 01 2012  Snodland,Kent
                  X  28 03 2012  Beeston Regis,Sheringham,Norfolk (taken by a cat) 188km NNE

L529907  3F  28 12 2010  Snodland,Kent
                 V   22 03 2011  Kilnsea,East Riding of Yorkshire 257km N

L529932  6F  17 01 2011  Snodland,Kent
                  X  17 01 2013  Snodland (village) found freshly dead

One of my garden ringed birds was re-trapped in the Country Park,at Leybourne.                     

CORN BUNTING Milliaria calandra
Former breeding species.Up to the mid 1990s,the occasional pair nested on both Holborough and Burham marshes.During the 1970s and 1980s,winter roosts in the reed beds at Burham marsh held up to (150) birds and at about the same time there was also a smaller roost for a few years at Abbey Meads.Numbers then declined through the 1990s,to around (50).At the present time as far as I know,the roosts no longer exist.

Vagrant,North American species,First record for the Western Palaearctic.A male wintered on the Lunsford Park estate,which is on the very edge of the recording area.It was seen on at least one occasion in the Brook House area.(Jan 24th-April 10th 1989).

American Nighthawk
Vagrant,first record for Kent.
One was seen feeding over the big meadow,just north of Burham church,at 1530,on November 6th 2020 (not seen the following day).

YELLOW WARBLER Setophaga petechia
Vagrant North American
First for Kent and only the second mainland record for Britain
Mill stream/water treatment area December 24th 2024 /January 3rd  2025.May have been taken by a Sparrowhawk or the cold weather.

Alan Woodcock.


  1. Hi Alan, My name is Brian Watmough and I coordinate the BTO heronry census in Kent. I note from your blog you record the heronry at Eccles Island. It would be great if we could include your counts in BTO survey. Please will you email me at brianrwat@yahoo.co.uk so we can discuss further. Thanks

    1. Hi,please feel free to send a e-mail,Alan


    2. Hi,please feel free to send a e-mail,Alan

