Friday 30 August 2024

August 30th (Leysdown)

 falling tide.

Ringed Plover  Dunlin  Turnstone  Med Gull  Sandwich Tern  Wheatear.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

August 28th (New Hythe)

Ringing totals for August 14th 27th and 28th (West scrub)

Blackcap  36  Cetti`s  3  Reed Warbler  4  Dunnock  1  Chiffchaff  13  Bullfinch  1  G S Woodpecker  1  Song Thrush  1  Wren  2  L T Tit  1  Great Tit  1  Blue Tit  3.

TOTAL  67 

PHOTOS Stock Dove  Chiffchaff  Cetti`s Warbler and L T TIT.

Birds seen during the month included 3 Common Sandpipers on the 6th,with 2 on the 17th.A Green Sandpiper and 2 Teal on the 18th (along the river) and a male Redstart in the East scrub on the 27th. 

Tuesday 13 August 2024

August 13th (Capel fleet,sheppey)

 Two of three Little Egrets and one of two G W Egrets.