A Red Kite flew west over Abbey Meads at around mid day and on the 20th the first Med Gull of the year was seen.
A Brimstone was seen in my garden on the 21st.
Teal Gadwall and Kestral
Hi,my name is Alan Woodcock.I have been bird-watching in the area for nearly fifty years and (bird ringing)since 1980.I hope to keep up to date sightings of wildlife I have seen (mainly birds)with occasional diary entries of past times.
A Red Kite flew west over Abbey Meads at around mid day and on the 20th the first Med Gull of the year was seen.
A Brimstone was seen in my garden on the 21st.
Teal Gadwall and Kestral
A Greenshank first seen along the river on January 19th,was still present in the area at least until February 16th.
February 15th,21 Shoveler were seen on the Motorway lake,with 4 more on Alders.
Two Green Sandpiper were present on February 17th (seen from Bucket wood).
A Marsh Harrier was seen over Burham marsh,along with a Red Kite over Abbey Meads on the 16th.
Two Oystercatchers were seen from Bucket wood on the 19th.Along with 100 Teal 2 ad G B B Gulls 4 Gadwall 6 Mallard and 4 Snipe,3 Pochard were present on Abbey Meads.
On a brighter note,that`s not referring to the weather which remains dull and cold.At 13:00 Gary flushed a drake Pintail from the unusual location of the Mill stream,from where it relocated to the former conservation lake.I caught up with it a short while later,viewing it from the seating area at the southern end of the lake.The bird was very nervous and after about ten minutes took flight and flew over towards Tesco lake (it may have dropped back onto the Mill stream by the cafe).
PHOTOS Pintail Cetti`s Warbler four of eight Gadwall and Mute Swans (Dipping pond).
On the 1st two Oystercatcher were seen along the river.
January 31st,15 Redpolls.
25th a Bearded Tit flew across the river at Bucket wood and a Peregrine was seen over the East scrub.
21st a female Red headed Pochard was seen on the Road island lake.