Saturday, 11 December 2010

December 11th

This morning I put up a small brown crake which had white in its primaries.I was walking out to the small wood to look at the river when I flushed it from almost under my feet.It rose up a few feet and then dropped down out of view into the creek (outflow).I could not get any more detail on the bird as it all happened so fast.I would just say if anyone walks that way be aware as it quite possibly might have been a Spotted crake.I`m almost certain that Water Rails it flight do not show white in the wings,I maybe wrong.


  1. Somebody told me last week that they flushed a similar sounding bird from quite near that area. They couldn't ID it but I suggested to them to have a look at Crakes online just in case. I haven't heard from them since but it sounds likely that it could be the same bird.

  2. Hi Phil,sounds interesting,keep your eyes peeled.

  3. Hi Alan

    Can you give more details of the location - I might try and get out to give it the once over.



  4. Hi Alan, it was Phil who suggested that I consider the bird that I saw on the 5th of December, to be a possible Crake? After I googled pics, it did seem similar to that of the Spotted Crake? However, the bird that both myself and my son saw, was very dark in colour, almost like a mottled black.
    I hope this helps, cheers Paul.

  5. Hi Alan.
    If that was a Spotted Crake then it's a great spot. I look forward to more details of sightings of this bird.

  6. Hi Adam,From Brookland car park,under the bridge past the Mill (east) up the grass bank past the water treatment,then take the first path on the left you will see the river and outflow.The area is on the left with the small wood visible.There are Water Rails in the area so be aware.

  7. Hi Paul,did you see its bill,was it short,I presume you both know Water Rails.You say your bird was dark,mine looked dark with pale patches in the wings,although the light wasn`t good.

  8. Hi Alan, it definately wasnt a Water Rail. It had a short beak, and when I saw it, it was crouched right down low on the snow. I would say that I was less than 12 feet from it, I slowly moved my camera towards it, but it had seen me, and it took flight just seconds before I could get a photo. Because I was looking at my camera, I didnt see what it looked like in flight.

  9. Thanks Paul for that,I popped down there this morning but failed to see it,but I will keep trying.
