Monday 3 April 2023

April 3rd /4th/5th New Hythe (ITS ALL HAPPENING)

April 3rd- Bright,though rather cold,NW  08:00 - 10:00

Bucket wood - 1 Green Sandpiper  10 Teal.

Brookland lake  1 drake GOLDENEYE,possibly the same bird that was seen mid month.

Abbey Meads  a singing FIRECREST was present on the west bank.

A REED WARBLER was heard at the Streamside lake and 2 Med Gulls were seen over Tesco lake (ad).

On March 30th,2 early WILLOW WARBLERS were present.One at Brookland lake and the other at Abbey Meads.

April 4th - clear,light E,warm during the afternoon (09:00 - 11:00

Bucket wood  15 Teal  8 Mallard  2 Oytercatcher  2 Shelduck and 3 Little Egrets.The Goldeneye was still present on Brookland.A COMMON REDSTART was seen in the East scrub.A pair of Pochard were on Abbey Meads and late afternoon,3 RED KITES drifted over west.The first NIGHTINGALE was present in the East scrub,

April 5th- light overcast,light southerly.

A Common Sandpiper was seen on the river,A nice drake GARGANEY was on Brookland,along with a pair of Shoveler and the Goldeneye.A Mistle Thrush was seen in the East scrub and a Red Kite was heard calling over the West scrub.Late afternoon a BLACK REDSTART was seen on the Mill (Brookland).


1 comment:

  1. Well done Alan, Keep shooting while I look after my foxes. Take care.
